COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Would they even be making money at this level of business? Or losing less then just being closed?

It can’t be profitable to be open with that few people.

I guess because then they don’t have to refund annual pass holders since they are technically open?

A lot of employees to pay for the number of non-pass customers.

The saddest place on earth.


oh Nextdoor

At least you’re staying busy. Still important to get some sun and some activity occasionally, though. It even helps your immune system.

Should probably edit out that person’s name.

They’re definitely not profitable at that level. I also doubt that they’re losing less money than when they were closed. It takes a lot of staff to run the Magic Kingdom, and they were all furloughed when they were closed.

I have an acquaintance that works for Universal. He says they can’t even pay the electric bill. Could be bullshit, idk.

Nah, that’s not it. I’m an annual passholder and they’ve already indicated they’re going to give refunds to those who want one (which I’m definitely going to request). I think they’ve really badly miscalculated and/or didn’t realize how fucking terrible the pandemic would be when they opened.

I thought about that but then I decided not to. They’re posting publicly.


I really, really shouldn’t be shocked by it because it is something I and so many others have said here over the years but the amount of billion dollar companies run by people who cant see obvious realities we can is crazy.


I don’t know. Given what I come to learn about typical Florida Man, I’m actually quite surprised it’s this empty. It’s really shaking my worldview.

Unless people who frequent Disney World are somehow not at all representative of FL in general (and that may well be the case), this suggests that Floridians may be taking this whole pandemic thing way more seriously than was advertised.

Part of it is also that Disney fucked up on the numbers big time. They created a park reservation system to make sure they didn’t go over whatever their magical capacity number was. Then they created three “pools” of reservations, one pool for resort guests (most preferred and biggest moneymakers for them), one for park ticket holders, and one for annual passes (probably the smallest pool). Anywho, their “AP” pass reservations sold out as did their resort and ticket passes, but then the resort passes all cancelled as the numbers got worse and worse and then a lot of the ticket holders cancelled as well. Most Florida residents who are going to Disney likely are AP holders (just because an AP for a FL resident isn’t that much more than going to the park a few times), so they accidentally blocked the only people who would probably have actually shown up from coming.

Also, and this bears repeating, Disney is primarily a park geared towards young children. And who the fuck is certifiably insane enough to take their kids to a theme park right now?

Florida Man. Or at least that’s what I thought.

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Yeah, but you never hear about Florida Woman. And Florida Woman probably ain’t letting Florida Man take the Florida Kids to the deathtrap.


IMO they heard I had puts and were like FUCK THAT GUY!!!


That’s incredible

Feeling really discouraged.

Everywhere else in the world (other than a few outliers) is handling this pandemic ok while a good portion of our country, including people I know, refuse to be inconvenienced enough to wear a mask.

Schools are about to open up, killing children, teachers, staff and family members as well as causing long term damage to even more kids.

We are trying to deport foreign students if their college goes remote.

With nobody watching, I’m sure the kids in cages and other border atrocities are just as bad or worse than ever.

And 40% of our country is cheerleading all this along and talking about “muh freedoms” and “constitutional rights.” We are the country in the world that doesn’t, as a whole, care about others. We have a huge % that is simply selfish and self-centered. And if our constitution and our political and judicial system allow all of the cruelty and the bullshit and the justification for all of this, then how is it a good system?

It just feels hopeless and I feel like 40% of my country lives in a different world and just have completely different world views and basic sense of decency from myself. I don’t know how we ever bridge that gap and any conversations my wife and I have with these people go nowhere as they are unwavering in their beliefs that they mainline from Fox News and Facebook. It seems futile to even talk to them and I know they won’t change their minds. How do we move on, especially knowing we have such hard problems like global warming, our medical system and the need for UBI as jobs get more and more automated? We can’t agree on if a pandemic is real or a hoax so how can we agree on those other things? What is the future going to be like for my kids and future grandkids given where we are now and the issues we have to face sooner than later (really we are way behind on all 3 of those above issues and it gets harder to solve every year we kick it down the road)?

It just feels so hopeless because 40% of the country thinks just so completely different from me, from science, from compassion and general well-being, and from reality.


A friend of mine just sent me a picture of a line out the door of a bar as he drove past…

He lives in Houston.

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Feeling like 40% of the country lives in a different world is a step up from feeling like 80% of the country lives in a different world.

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