COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Are you getting any kind of exercise? You need to at least go for walks or something.

Well, I am definitely not flying.

I think I will be fine spending a night in a hotel, but I am definitely bringing all my own food. It would be a balancing act between eating enough to keep my energy going and trying to minimize the need to use a public restroom.

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Not really. My exercise used to be walking around the grocery store at 4am, so that went away when stores stopped being open all night. I’m aware that I am not being healthy.

I’ve been moving a lot of boxes around, trying to sort through bits and pieces of my life that have been unattended for a long time.

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Man, you gotta get a treadmill or find a park you can walk in or something. I’ve been walking in the park for like 1.5-2 hours a day now that the gym is not an option.

Literally anyone with a pulse can beat nl100 on bros. Jump on in


Actually, my main form of exercise was swimming laps at the YMCA. The grocery store was just where I did most of my walking.

I dislike being outdoors, especially when the sun is out.

I am reluctant to jump on any of those apps. My main game for a while has been PLO and I am just completely suspicious about collusion because there are so many cards that can be shared.

I’ve been refining my tournament game at small stakes and I’m not great, but I can tell I will be significantly better at live tournaments when those open up again.

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What I do is insert myself into my roomates fights with their boyfriends and I’ll try to pick the wrong side and gang up on the other person and demand an apology and that they treat the other person nicer. Like if I overhear my roomate getting angry at her boyfriend for not doing the dishes, I’ll tell them both to take a deep breathe and remember to be nicer because times are tough right now before telling her to back off and stop nagging him because hes had a long hard day at work.

Nah but really this shit is really tough I can’t imagine having to argue with someone over literally everything now. Like you gotta redo everything you think of in your life and come to an agreement with another person? That must be hell. Agreeing on what to eat for dinner every single night is hard enough I can’t imagine trying to get through coronavirus too.


I did a lot of walking last winter, even when the weather was bad. But I had a destination then. Now I’ll just go out and lap the Capitol grounds, which is something, but not all that interesting. There’s actually quite a few trails nearby. I really should go explore more but depression is crushing me.

The most magical place on earth!

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I find that listening to audiobooks and podcasts goes a long way toward keeping me sane. I used to go hiking with a group but idk how safe that is now.

Biggest worry is the sunshine bc I’m super white, so I get SPF 5,000 and walk in the late afternoon.




Also, lol, I know its edited but at :26 she says “Super Sick” and a guy walks past immediately after she says that, turns and looks with the most WTF face you can make with your nose and mouth covered.

ETA: “Robin would not be in this park if she had Covid-19”

Whew, good thing we totally know when people have Covid-19 and are contagious.

Doesn’t even mention if Robin has been tested, just states emphatically that she doesn’t have it.


Sure, you can watch Brad’s videos compared to Neeme’s. I like that they’re both honest, but when Neeme shares a big hand, he has a big hand. Brad is constantly in 100+bb pots with like, K8 oop. That’s not a recipe for success.
Nothing against those kind of players though. Just because I beat 2/5 for closer to 80 an hour and 1/3 PLO for 70 doesn’t make me more entertaining than he is.


Yeah I agree with that - that’s about my read too, and I also find his vlogging style to be stiff and unimaginative, especially when compared to someone like Neeme’s.

If you’re not playing online poker, what else are you doing to pass the time?

Love the look on that one dude’s face who walks past when she says her friend was super sick. He’s like WHAT THE FUCK???

How can someone that considers themselves intellectually honest even consider asking this question?

Just a huge lol at Disney World. Here’s Main Street, USA Today at 5:30 PM:

If you’ve never been to Disney World, that is probably the least crowded that has been at 5:30 PM on any day since the park opened in 1971, by several magnitudes.


I’ve been reading, writing, cooking, making the first real attempt to sort through a lot of junk I’ve accumulated, but it hasn’t been healthy. I finally got around to sharing a NetFlix account, so I’ve been catching up on some shows.

One of projects has been to scan decades of old photos that my mom took. I have a portable photo scanner called a Doxie Flip. When I’m done, the scans will be in the tens of thousands.


literally saying and doing nothing would have been better than what trump did. other people would have filled the gap. cdc, hhs, etc. trump actively made things worse for no reason other than to tank the usa on purpose which coincidentally he’s been doing at every opportunity ever since russia elected him