COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Welp, I thought I lived in a pretty darn liberal neighborhood, but out at the park with my girls today, I came across a Trumpkin “Recall Newsom” rally in my neighborhood park, not a mask in sight despite being in pretty close proximity (outdoors, yes). I don’t usually mask up when just going for a walk outside and not getting within even 20 feet of anyone, not to mention needing to keep track of the two toddlers I was tending on my own, so I wasn’t about to confront or troll them, but yeah, some youngish white guy in a MAGA hat, something I don’t think I’ve ever seen in person, gave me a warm head nod like he thought I was one of them. They’re rustled about black people protesting, paid outside agitators, all of them (because they’re Black, ldo). So, now I’ve got another rona pozz party outbreak in my backyard.


Trump even modestly competently handling Covid or getting out of the way of the CDC skates to re-election. Half this list and he is at 50% approval.


To be fair, he said that he ran bad due to not being disciplined and piling the sin of playing bad on top of running bad.

Your pony is a few days late or is this new UVC info.

I believe Summary itt is:

This looks promising for helping to treat circulated air but the safety piece is uncertain for using in the presence of people. The papers conclusion are a little overdrawn, at less as publicized.

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Goddddd being single blows right now.


There’s no advantage if you’re just treating air. The point is to treat spaces with people in them. Not saying it would be a good idea to diy lamps.

Interesting but there are two things that stick out to me:

  1. Quite a bit of it is still in the air for several minutes.

  2. “potentially without harm to exposed human tissues.”

I’m potentially going to need them to follow up on that…

This implies that he’s actually good to start with. I have not yet seen evidence of such.

In my current state of semi self-quarantine, I’m losing my mind. And I’m an introverted mofo.

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“I told him ‘dad I know you’re not going to wear a mask, but you should still try to stay as far away from people as you can,’ and he just wouldn’t do it,” Tyler added.

Joe Hinton was 78-years-old and a diabetic, so his family urged him to take care of himself during the pandemic.

“I told him dad if you get this, you’re probably going to die, and the hospital isn’t going to let me see you, and he said ‘yeah I know,’” Tyler said.

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A lot of his vlogging comes across as a player trying too hard to be entertaining when his natural game is to play tighter. I haven’t see anything to make me fear him and NL is a game where I am only adequate at best, but I can see how he may have been an unimaginative pro who jumped onto vlogging as a secondary source of income because he was only making 30-40K/year grinding live 2/5.

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Same. Even golfing once a week hasn’t really been enough. It’s the open-ended nature of it. I was fine in the beginning when I expected 2-3 months, but now I’m 4 months in expecting another 7-12 months and it’s tough thinking about what I’m missing out on and where I’ll be in life when it’s over.

Also getting increasingly shook that the vaccines won’t work and/or not enough people will take them and I’ll just have to give up and come out and probably catch it anyway.


This was in SC county? Where?

I think Suzzer posted this about a week ago. As far as the safety is concerned it seems there is fairly good reason to believe it is safe:

" studies to date12,13,14,15 suggest that these wavelengths do not cause the human health issues associated with direct exposure to conventional germicidal UV light. In short (see below) the reason is that far-UVC light has a range in biological materials of less than a few micrometers, and thus it cannot reach living human cells in the skin or eyes, being absorbed in the skin stratum corneum or the ocular tear layer. But because viruses (and bacteria) are extremely small, far-UVC light can still penetrate and kill them. Thus far-UVC light potentially has about the same highly effective germicidal properties of UV light, but without the associated human health risks12,13,14,15. Several groups have thus proposed that far-UVC light (207 or 222 nm), which can be generated using inexpensive excimer lamps, is a potential safe and efficient anti-microbial technology12,13,14,15,16,17,18 which can be deployed in occupied public locations.

The biophysically-based mechanistic basis to this far-UVC approach12 is that light in this wavelength range has a very limited penetration depth. Specifically, far-UVC light (207–222 nm) is very strongly absorbed by proteins through the peptide bond, and other biomolecules19,20, so its ability to penetrate biological materials is very limited compared with, for example, 254 nm (or higher) conventional germicidal UV light21,22. This limited penetration is still much larger than the size of viruses and bacteria, so far-UVC light is as efficient in killing these pathogens as conventional germicidal UV light12,13,14. However, unlike germicidal UV light, far-UVC light cannot penetrate either the human stratum corneum (the outer dead-cell skin layer), nor the ocular tear layer, nor even the cytoplasm of individual human cells. Thus, far-UVC light cannot reach or damage living cells in the human skin or the human eye, in contrast to the conventional germicidal UV light which can reach these sensitive cells[7]"

UVC stuff could be good for hospital air circulation. I wonder if we hear stories of people giving themselves cancer with home brew UV indoor lighting.

Isn’t it only a matter of time?


My brother was horrified to find out that the only time I have been out of my apartment since March is to go the grocery and wants me to visit him and his family. It’s a 20-24 hour drive. They’ve been good about social distancing, so we have agreed that we need to come up with a safety plan before doing it.

If I could afford to, I could isolate indefinitely. I’m a bit worried that I might not hand the shock of being around people again.

I wish I was better at online forms of poker.


20 to 24 hours is one helluva trip.

This is worrying me, too. It’s definitely worth getting outside your apartment a little now, though. Even if it’s just a late night walk or a mid-week hike somewhere.

Yes, but I am not going to offer more precise details