COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

easiest prediction ever

Oh I don’t expect FL to shut down, just Disney to push the reopening back.

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I thought that too, but man they really seem to be full steam ahead and the insiders who post on disboards seem to indicate everything seems full steam ahead at this point.

This is exactly what tptb in San Diego County are doing. They tripped the re-shutdown wire yesterday, but are waiting until Tuesday to actually do the re-shutdown-ing. So we’re the only place in all of urban CA this holiday weekend largely open for business. The freeways coming into town were reported full. Recent record crowds expected at the beaches, museums, parks, restaurants w/inside dining, card rooms, hotels, etc/etc.

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I mean, maybe they believe just being outdoors in general is a silver bullet? But didn’t we see some spikes/outbreaks after the maskless GIMME MY HAIRCUT OR GIVE ME DEATH protests?

They have to be somewhat intelligent, right? Like if they stay open for a month, they’re going to rack up some cases and enough bad publicity to have to shut down anyway. They think that’s worth one month’s decreased revenue? Insane.

Yeah it’s deplorable. I guess they are hoping those cases go back to other parts of California, and they’re willing to sacrifice the health of bartenders and waiters and such.

Yeah December-mid February was an absolutely miserable 2.5 months. I’ve never had sinus issues and I thought my head was going to explode at one point. My wife was sicker than I was. I never really had any respiratory issues except a cough that just wouldn’t go away but my breathing was fine. I’m pretty sure it was just a brutal cold.

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yup. Fucking KUSI is gleefully reporting pictures of the packed southbound freeways because ECONOMY! and I’m just sitting here like, wtf. Of course all the deplorables up here in east county are bitching about Newsom. First they blame him for shutting us down, now they’re mad because he didn’t shut us down…except they want everything open because of freedom and 'Murica and the contradictions are getting on my every last nerve.

I want to go tear down my neighbor’s trump flag to take out my anger


There’s no contact tracing in Florida and they don’t count out of state positives and deaths in their official totals. So I think they can maybe cover it up.

SC numbers July 4th
1839 cases(new record)
19.6% positive
19 deaths
1190 hospitalizations

All of these numbers are continuing the general upward trend we have been seeing. Deaths are overall still low but we are seeing fewer and fewer single digit death days like we were through mid June. Expect the trends to continue generally as S.C. has been more consistent day to day than most other states

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Kinda looking like we’re going to hit 60k today. And on a Saturday no less.

Ocean Beach, San Diego, taken yesterday. AZ license plates, of course.

Come to San Diego everyone! we love your 'rona here!


If anyone wants some graphic evidence of how bad singing is for COVID spread, watch Hamilton which just dropped on Disney+.

It’s the Broadway version with original cast (filmed in 2016), but since it’s filmed we get closeups on the faces of the performers.

Droplets are really flying. Best example is the first King George song. The dude killed it, but he had so much spit over his mouth it was ridiculous. I suspect this particular performance was pretty high on his range for aggregate droplet production. I’m guessing at most performances he sprays a lot less and they caught him on a bad day.


You know 85 degrees is hot in the swampland east of the Rockies.

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Disney ain’t reopening. They were one of the first places to shut down when this whole thing started.

Predictit really needs to start a “will disney reopen” market. I would snap-buy “Yes” at this point. AP previews are in like 5 days.

The only reason why I don’t think they reopen is because it’s a billion dollar corporation that won’t want to face the possibility of a lawsuit if people get sick. If they make people sign a waiver, OPEN FOR BUSINESS will commence.

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You’re going to see stories in the media, though. Family of four goes to Disney World for vacation, returns home, all have COVID-19. They won’t be able to prove that’s where they caught it, but Disney is going to catch bad press at some point from this.

Do you think his range is merged or polarized?

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I don’t think it’s truly a new flu vaccine every year. They are using the same technologies and methods that are proven safe, and just tweaking it each year for the strains that they think will be more prevalent during that year’s flu season.

Anyone booking a trip to Disney World in the middle of a pandemic isn’t terribly likely to be consuming the sort of media that would be dishing out some bad press, imo.

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