COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I think the research is pointing to testable quantities of antibodies lasting for roughly two months - not necessarily immunity. I don’t think they’re exactly quite the same and immunity may last longer than testable quantities of antibodies.

It seems like if immunity lasted only a couple of months we should be getting a lot more reports of recovered folks catching it again. We seem to have only a handful of those situations reported, and many of them can be dismissed for various reasons.

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Just a reminder that it was only like 3 months ago that Tom Hanks and his wife caught covid.

Feels like a decade ago.


my coworker still thinking he’s going to Universal Studios at end of july

I think I read somewhere that the spitting was actually a deliberate choice by Groff because the real George III supposedly did that a lot (and went crazy, so the spitting mad visual is in-character, for sure)


Yeah. Remember that time that Trump got impeached?

The senate acquittal was less than 5 months ago.


We are living through Jaws

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That would explain a lot.

They do make people sign a waiver. There’s a lengthy Covid waiver on the parks reservation system. You can’t get into a park without accepting it.

Oh ok, they definitely opening up then. Lol Florida.

Unless employee comes and tells his boss he has covid and the boss tells him don’t worry about it, you should go work anyways, I doubt there will be any successful lawsuits. It is impossible to say where you picked up the virus.

Can you stay open when the hospitals are overrun?

I went to DISboards to check this out because I hate myself. That crowd is worse than Cruise Critic.

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It’s not just the south
Thursday night.

Is it impossible? I thought it’s possible to analyze the virus’ dna and compare it with other infected. Depending on which mutations are present one might be able to reconstruct who infected whom.

I’m watching fox news “the journal editorial report” and some guy is blaming the protests because the media covered them instead of coronavirus and everyone took their eye off the ball and thought well if these people are protesting it must not be that serious. I gotta say the troll in me is actually impressed with that load of incredible bullshit.

Might wanna redo that math

One person isn’t administering 60 shots/minute or 1 per second.

That’s impossible.


My brother goes to Wake Forest and I went up there last month to pick him up for him to stay with us and basically nobody was wearing masks.

This was my original thought, but I was fully expecting an announcement this week. Previews are on Thursday, and not announcing more than a week ahead seems really irresponsible to me. Unless Flordia forces them to call it off (and lol, Florida) I dont see them doing it voluntarily.