COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

That being said, I wouldnt be surprised to see fine print in the tickets waiving liability for anybody catching Covid on property


Ty. I chose the wiser rout and I’m just staying in with the misses. I’m missing out on some kick ass Texas brisket and S.C. chicken bog but I will taste on !

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See, I don’t give a fuck at all but if this was about a female’s boobs or something someone would be raging. #smallpenisproblems

.001 % of my county tested positive. Is that a lot for just one day?

There are not nearly enough masks in that picture for a place as supposedly smart as SJ.

I mean, Santana Row is the fucking WASPiest, Yuppiest part of that city, but still

Yeah I agree - like when someone has a huge gun or giant Hummer “to make up for their micropenis”. Meanwhile some poor guy with a micropenis who drives a Prius, doing everything right and not overcompensating in any way, still gets dragged into the conversation.

The problem is no one wants to stick up for the micro-penis-ed. For obvious reasons.

Only because I’m hung like a fucking giraffe do I feel confident enough to dip my toe in these waters.


Maybe it’s gonna be a tremendous shot administered by a tremendous medical official? The best shot ever created.

Pretty sure you get a pass on the ethics of penis shaming when the subject is a Trump.

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It’s always interesting/depressing to speculate how the deplorable goldfish brains will pivot when proven wrong.

Most of us had “Yeah we knew covid was bad all along, and the protests caused it to blow up again.”

But another one appearing on Chiefsplanet seems to be, “Look these people got sick at a nursing home where everyone wears masks. Obviously masks don’t work.”

Right, but the point is that it’s still a micro-aggression (lol) to anyone in earshot who might be struggling through life with a micro-penis.

And again, I’m hung so well girls have to sign a waiver before riding the thing. Just to abundantly clarify. :p


I love you guys. Most of the time.

different waiver for all your boyfriends, or is it gender-neutral?

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I’m only allowed to be a bottom. My junk is registered as a lethal weapon when delivered anally.


Maybe @clovis8 would, if he hasn’t run off permanently.

Clovis is going to have a few thoughts about this derail I predict.

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I had the depressing realization this morning that tomorrow my baby boy turns 7 months old and he’s literally never been anywhere outside his home except the doctor the hospital where he was born and on walks around the block. Who knows how long until he can see anywhere else.

His life is like the movie Room


The good news is I think for a baby all that stuff is more than enough stimulation. A toddler might be a different story.

My sister was telling me yesterday that babies who have to stay in the hospital for several months after being born have literally never seen someone smile at them. Never seen an unmasked face. Hopefully this will all be resolved before any long lasting damage is done.

Wife and I are sitting at home together alone for the first 4th in 7 years, and I honestly feel completely fine. Hopefully next year I’ll be out on a lake with a beer and a jet ski, but this year…I’m good with hanging alone. Not really into celebrating this shithole of a country anyway.