COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I suspect that teachers in Europe (or at least in the CR) will be required to get a covid-19 vaccine before working again whenever it comes out. Thing is that nearly half of the people here say they wouldn’t get it.

So I have no idea how the government will be able to mandate something like that without risking a teacher’s strike.

Even I’m a bit skeptical. Not of vaccines in general but of ones that were rushed through testing. I definitely don’t want to be first in line to get one when it’s released to the public.

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And at almost all the protests I’ve been to recently the cops have overwhelmingly not worn masks while protestors are at almost 100% mask wearing so they should get it first since they seem to be willing to risks people’s lives even while on duty to ‘protect and serve’

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Indy 11, our USL soccer team, is planning on playing with fans next Saturday… mandatory masks and temp checks. The only thing they have going is that they play in the Colts 80,000 person stadium with like 5,000 fans on a good night. You could easily sit 30 feet from someone else. They also said they would open the roof and run the air, but I’m still leaning towards “fuck that”.

When we have a new flu vaccine every year, it doesn’t seem like there is a lot of time for vetting, yet people are happy to take them.

How is it different this time?

I’m wondering what happens to masks effectiveness when they are soaked w perspiration? We are mandated to wear them now and it’s 85 degrees already. Snap soaked.

AFAIK being soaked decreases effectiveness considerably.

But imo if just walking around in 85 degree weather makes you sweat that profusely there might be something wrong. Are all your clothes soaked?

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If u don’t sweat bad at 85 degrees in the south , which I should have prefaced, it’s odd. I’m still in bed lol. I was just watching a live news feed.

Don’t know about that. It’s looking more and more likely from what I’m’ reading that there is no “forever immunity to Covid and any vaccines we come up with are going to be like the flu shot, you need to get it every year or maybe even twice a year. So people are probably going to get Covid every year if they dont’ get a vaccine.

Use cotton masks and bring a couple with you and change them out. You’re going to have a hard time with n95 or surgical masks outdoors in the heat for long periods of time.

Testing requires complicated equipment to process samples from each person. A vaccine just requires a shot. At my office, they would set up to do flu vaccines for hundreds of people in an afternoon, with like 8 staff. It’s not that complicated outside of producing the vaccine itself.

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I’m sorry if you’ve already posted this, but could you do the most recent graphs for AZ and FL?



Who gives a shit, we need to protect our racist statues!


Disney opens this coming week. What could go wrong.

ETA - 16 deaths, LOL. See guys it really is just like the flu!


I haven’t, but it could be calculated. What 14 days do you want it for? For NC right?

Right, that is correct. So you would want to factor mask compliance and level of shutdown into your target SDI. If it’s only measuring movement, the score would be the same if people were driving to go pickup food curbside as if they were dining in, right? That type of thing in addition to masks could explain NC.

I’m not sure this works how you think it does. Like, SDI impacts R0 which impacts the rate of growth or decline. I think when you’re saying places bounce back quickly, you’re talking about the number of cases not the rate of growth. That’s simply because when you have a ton of cases, regardless of the previous SDI and R0, you have a base from which even a 1.2 R0 and a slightly bad SDI are going to cause a lot of problems.

So the duration of shutdown needed to safely reopen is dependent upon SDI and total cases. The weaker your SDI/R0 improvement and/or the more total cases per capita, the longer you must shut down.

That’s part of the reason we’re doing so much damage right now, we’re building up a huge base number of active cases in a population that lacks the will to shut down long enough to squash the curve.

As of right now, the only available evidence I know of points to immunity in the recovered lasting about two months - and less for minor/asymptomatic cases. That’s for antibodies. So, for herd immunity we’re counting on a learned immune response taking care of it - not antibodies being present.

A huge gamble. Huge.

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The fine folks over at disboards still insisting Florida’s numbers are just due to increased testing. Disney reopening still full steam ahead. Lol they’re literally going to open at a time when their state is posting the highest numbers of any state at any time during the pandemic.

I’m not going to be convinced this easily, but we’ll see. I kind of expect an announcement Monday. Let the state rake in those Fourth of July tourism bucks, then announce.


Counterpoint: Desantis is really really fucking stupid.