COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

My first exposure to this was a lawyer who taught one of my real estate finance classes in grad school. Charges upwards of $400/hour, incredibly smart, and goes to Disney like 4 times/year. Our whole class was basically this when she told us that:


A guy that comes in my bar owns 4 eye ware stores. Smart and driven. He goes 12-18 weekends a year, mostly solo. He face book likes the fireworks show almost every time. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

Person B tested negative. So that’s good, but false negatives especially soon after exposure are common.

The researchers estimated that those tested with SARS-CoV-2 in the four days after infection were 67% more likely to test negative, even if they had the virus.

The Duke educated nurse I talked about being ignorant of COVID lives near there and they get passes. Her FB feed is Disney photos all summer long.

“False” negatives right after exposure could be because the viral load is not big enough yet, which would also make transmission a lot less likely. Just a layman´s interpretation, but I wish you all the best.


Yes, I think that’s right. Thanks, I’m not all that worried for myself but there was one more vulnerable person in our group. We had all been careful up to now. I don’t know how person A was able to come into contact with B at all. He may have lied on the paperwork to enter their workplace.

You pony’d me today sir

22.2% positive (blowing out previous high of 20.6%) and 2246 new cases (400 more than previous record). 22 deaths and 1 was a child under 5.

The one piece of good news is hospitalizations dropped after holding mostly flat yesterday

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I would go 4 times/year to see this


I worked with a fella who went with his wife, no kids, 4x every year. Just very bizarre

It would be like South Carolina having only one new case. Let’s compare!

Seems like the kind of guy who knows a lot of people.

I’ve never been in my entire life. Wife and I were talking about possibly going there on a trip this summer, you know back in the simpler times of 6-8 months ago.

As a result of my wife working at Disney Cable Networks we get into the parks for free. As such, I am in the unique position of being someone who goes to Disneyland pretty regularly (in The Before Times, of course) without being a Disney Person. They are a strange lot. There’s a whole subculture around acquiring and trading pins, I know that. This extends to people who work for Disney in all capacities, including office people - my wife says that people wear pins, mouse ears, etc all the time. Also, within Disney there are some specific catchphrases. When I present my pass to get discounts/free stuff at Disneyland they sometimes don’t examine it closely and assume I am a fellow Cast Member and they’ll ask me “How do you make your magic?” which is apparently a common thing for Disney employees to say to each other (or “How did you make your magic today?” or “Go make some magic!”). My wife and her co-workers, who are not died-in-the-wool Disney people, get a big kick out of hearing about people asking me that.


Went as a kid in 73
Went with kids in 00
Went with wife and grown daughter/bf (now husband) in 14

That’s enough for me. The wife would go more w or wo kids. One place where her parents wouldn’t fight as much so it was a good escape. You know the the type, bickered their whole lives and finally divorced when all where grown.

Will not go again until vaccinated. Maybe take grandkids down the road.

Anyone going now is certifiably insane and gets what’s coming to them. They make guests sign waivers but if my loved one catches it from a guest/“cast member” I’m suing Walts dead corpse.

Your list is solid. Add to that that we could support hospitality/bar workers by offering them jobs as federally funded contact tracers. USA#1 gets the GDP benefit of both employment and disease control. Virtuous cycle IMO.


I wonder how hard it would be to make a convincing video that says the novel coronavirus actually doesn’t have protein spikes, it has microscopic tattoos that say “Salvatrucha” and “13” to make these dumb fucks actually take it seriously.

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my cousins work for the Imagineering studio (they are architects) so we go to Disneyland with them every year…Of course, out here we have California Adventure which is slightly more “adult”. Epcot is also a more adult type theme park.

We’re not rabid disney people, but it’s a fun day out. The new Star wars place is pretty cool, but I’m a big nerd, so fantasy in general isn’t weird to me at all. I mean, I go to ComiCon every year too.

My cousins lived in Shanghai for 3 years and helped design and build Shanghai Disneyland…They were super excited when SDL reopened after closing for COVID.

Of course, they opened right:

The entry building is one of my cousin’s designs: