COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Speaking well is a liability if your audience is closed-minded; they are insulted by superior diction.


Matching your speech to the person you’re talking to is important no matter who it is. Your post is proof that you judge people who speak less ‘well’ than you do.

Not trying to single you out, but knowing how to speak the language of the middle class+ fluently is one of the hardest barriers to get around when you start out in true poverty. It’s why one of the biggest cards I was dealt was parents who fell out of the upper class as opposed to parents who were born poor. I speak fluent rich like a native and I speak fluent poor like a native and it’s a damn super power being able to do both that well.


fuck, hang in there, man.


You are correct sir. It’s also lolo Florida LoL so I shouldn’t have been surprised. The whole time I thought I was watching a locally made used car commercial where the guy blurts out “ no credit , no problem, U CAN RIDE TOOOOOODAY!”

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I’m sorry dude. Hopefully everyone comes through OK.

It’s really not that hard to avoid massive spikes.

Stay home
Workers that need to be AT work only
Masks and social D mandatory, especially indoor public spaces
Regulate gathering size
Close primary drinking establishments.
Lock up old folks homes as best as possible.
Wash yer hands
Gear up for testing tracing PPE vents etc.

Support people that work in travel/hospitality and ? that are hard hit. Support low wage essential workers to make it worth their while.

No masks eff you
Church and Sing
No masks eff you
Mothers Day

We blew our whole lockdown wad on Party!


Shattered the 2k mark in SC w over 2200 cases/17 dead / 22.1% positive and our first child dead.

But the guberenor is making bars close at 11 pm so everything should be ok soon.

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It was loose passive. Prolly only around 13-15 bb in the pot. No real raising.

Heard from a nurse friend in Scottsdale today. She works at a place that mostly does elective surgeries that is now on its surge plan and overrun with COVID patients. Many of the nurses are out with COVID.

We’re beyond fucked. How the hell do we turn this around? Anything less than an executive order making it a crime to not wear a mask and not social distance seems like a half measure. And we know that isn’t happening so yeah…

Good job, good effort USA #1.


We don’t turn it around unfortunately. Slow speed apocalypse


Yeah it’s just gonna be a whole lot of months of lots of people being sick, and lots of people dying. No real other way around it, just try not to die.

We might have a shot at turning things around in 6 months but that also means there will be 6 more months of insanity to unwind.

ETA The fetishization / way too enthusiastic of a hobby adult Disney fans freak me out. I went to school with one of them. She’s intelligent and witty, but like 95% of her IG posts throughout the entire year are of past trips to Disney. I do not understand it. Maybe I’m dead inside.


I think we have a much better shot, 70/30, of seeing mass graves, collapse of the dollar and a purge like society in six months.

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Meanwhile, this ad is currently running as I view UP…


The weird thing about it is that while surveys say the vast majority of people think our government is doing a good job and 87% think mask wearing should remain mandatory, the minority is very loud.
I think I see people complaining about Merkel, the mayor or „them“ ruining Germany daily. It is quite bizarre if you follow international newssources.



Yeah man. These fucking RWNJ dolts are taking us all down in a fiery blaze. The stuff they believe is brain damage.

My friend’s ex went from hardcore earthy yoga girl to an alt right stan overnight. I watched part of a video she shared just to see what it’s about… yeah uhm, how anyone can believe this garbage I don’t know.

Within 5 minutes he dropped 10+ crazy conspiracies with no basis in reality. And this guy has almost 1 mill subs on YouTube. That’s what we’re up against - these morons. People who believe Madonna and Tom Hanks have some magical mind control typewriter that they use to get away with trafficking kids… but a virus that’s killed 130k and counting is fake and masks aren’t needed.

It’s fucking infuriating that likely tens if not hundreds of thousands lives will be needlessly lost due to these idiots.


Disney is fun. Haven’t gone in over 10 years but I enjoyed it more as an adult than when I was a kid.

lol dumbasses calling a professional athlete a pansy because he wore a mask, amazing