COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I’m reminded of a guy in my poker game who went on a rant about how women can’t lead, he’d never vote for a woman as president, a woman’s place is in the kitchen, etc… And whaddayaknow, good old Angela Merkel is kicking ass and taking names with regards to COVID-19.

Not that it matters, he and his laundry list of comorbidities still think this thing is a hoax.

Helps a lot that Merkel is a published scientist with a PhD. Kiwi PM is crushing it, too.


Wow I never knew that about Merkel, that’s awesome.

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I’ve voted for a woman in the Dem primary / general for every state and local office possible for the last few years and will continue to do so. Men had their chance and shit the bed. Sorry.


I always pick the best candidate based on positions, but ties go to underrepresented groups (women, people of color, LGBTQ, etc).


You actually run into ties?

Trump has proven that men are too emotional to make rational decisions independent of personal pettiness. Men should stay in the coal mine where they belong until we can figure this out.


Come off it, citing Trump as an example of anything other than an overgrown narcissistic rich kid is pointless.

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61 cases among US marines in Japan

Earlier, we mentioned an outbreak among US Marines in Okinawa, Japan.

The prefectural government says 61 cases have been confirmed and two US marine bases have been put on lockdown, Kyodo news reports. An earlier statement from the Marine Corps referred to “several” cases.

In a news conference, Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki said: “We now have strong doubts that the US military has taken adequate disease prevention measures.”

He said that some people had held parties for 4 July in downtown areas and on beaches.

The Marine Corps said all of those who tested positive for the virus were in isolation, adding that the cases were in “two localised clusters”.

Okinawa is home to about half of the 50,000 US troops based in Japan.

In primaries? Sure. From time to time a couple of candidates are pretty tough to distinguish against on positions, especially for stuff like State Auditor General.

I see we’ve moved on to fucking shit up for other countries. An American tradition!


Lol. Trump is representative of at least 25% (extremely conservative guess) of White men in the US. Try living here.


I guess it’s possible. Even for those minor positions the voter guides generally highlight some differences. Also, I take differences in education and experience into account, so I don’t think I’ve ever run into a real tie.

Well yeah he probably is (and no thanks to your offer, it’s bad enough here) but by your reckoning that still leaves the majority of men being capable of making rational decisions.

The problem is that politicians are usually drawn from a highly unrepresentative pool of people.

At least the WH is trying the same statistic bullshit abroad - btw, if they return to the US on a charter or private flight they won’t count in US case stats (not that 61 cases will tip the balance at all)

Inevitable follow up from right winG

What’s their population though???

Yeah but in a primary a lot of times they’re identical on like 80% of the issues, including my high-priority issues. So if the other 20% are like half and half for both of them, it can be a tie for me and then I’m looking at background and leaning towards someone who is from an underrepresented community to try to give us a more diverse government.

I also figure that if you come from an underrepresented community, you had to work harder to get to that point and you’re likely to keep that up in office.

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Watching my first Ron Desantia presser. Wow, how did anyone vote for him? He reminds my of the guy borrowing a money at a poker game and everyone knows he’s not paying it back.


Man, in the time when people think trump speaks well you’re suprised by people voting for someone who is less of an idiot?

While Grandpa Huehuecoyotl’s test hasn’t come back he’s seeming to be back in normal shape

Meanwhile Dad Huehuecoyotl has tested positive for COVID and is not doing good. Going on a week of apparently explosive diarria, difficulty breathing, lethargy with him sleeping nearly all day. Went to the ED on Friday. He wasn’t sick enough to be admitted because they’re running out of space, but is still not doing great. My mom’s got COVID too, but her symptoms aren’t as severe.