COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL



They built a wall to keep the dirty Americans out.


It’s definitely coming. Czech Republic gonna be the 5th hardest hit in the OECD (behind Spain, Italy, France, and UK). If a second wave can be avoided in Europe, we’ll mostly bounce back by the end of 2021.

I forgot the obligatory:

Darwin Award Winnar


Yikes. Another Winnar


Czech Republic has it

Site is updated twice a day with statistics on each region within the country. It’s in Czech but with a Google Translate extension can easily be translated.

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Wouldn’t it be difficult to intentionally expose yourself to a fake virus?


The good old GOP strategy of be mindful while taking no meaningful action whatsoever. As long as you have good intentions, the rest is in God’s/the free market’s hands :fist_right::fist_left:


It’s like the guy I saw the first time at Oceans 11 while I was waiting to post in. He over-over-over called and quickly turned over 4th pair on the river (20/40 limit). Broadway was possible. Yes a bet on the river, two calls and he still calls third. I made no attempt to get in his head. It made no sense in any known universe.

Best week of poker of my life.


“The decision of whether or not to follow social distancing guidelines is a difficult one, especially when there is a conflict between the societal benefits (e.g., prevent staining public health resources) and personal costs (e.g., lost in social connection and financial challenges). This decision critically relies on our mental capacity in retaining multiple pieces of potentially conflicting information in our head, which is referred to as working memory capacity."

Eh, it’s coming back a little bit in Germany, but they still seem to have things under relative control compared with USA#1. We’ll have to see what happens in the weeks to come.

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Unless this year’s version is a COVID Death Cult Caravan, I’m thinking we probably won’t see one coming.

Florida had 188 deaths, a 50 percent increase over their previous record number of deaths (120), which itself was set just a few days ago:

I mean, I ultimately agree that a full lockdown until there’s a vaccine is impossible. People won’t tolerate it, lower- and middle-class workers need money, etc. Eradication seems almost impossible if you’re going to have any opening to the outside world at all. So, to my eye, that graph looks basically ideal: a low, constant daily case load with a modestly open economy that can at least plausibly be sustained for a year or more may be about the best we can do.


We are literally drawing dead to this scenario. This was the ideal outcome in a society that followed guidelines and had rigorous testing and contact tracing. We have none of those things and the genie is not going back in the bottle.


I’m surprised any country is doing this well at keeping COVID bottled up, I sort of assumed it would never work. I don’t think we humans have ever tried stopping a respiratory virus like this.

I didn’t mean “we” as in “Americans like me.” I meant “we” as in “humanity,” that the Germans there look like they’re doing just about as well as humanly possible. Obviously America is fucked, and it’d take a 3+ month hard lockdown nationwide and another bailout to get anywhere close to that.

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I agree with this. It’s incredibly frustrating to me that we’re not doing a shit load of research into various spread conditions. Outdoor dining, outdoor activities (golf, pool parties, etc), indoor stuff under various circumstances. For example how much is the issue indoors raw capacity and how much is it people per square foot? Could we let restaurants serve people in large indoor areas like gyms, convention centers and arenas with good spacing?

Right now we should be doing studies on this stuff so that we can figure out how open our economy can be for the next 6-8 months, especially once winter rolls around.

The only way we get this scenario is if Biden wins and the first round of vaccines don’t work, which is a nightmare unto itself. But then we’d have competent leadership, a death toll in the 500K-1M range, and probably a society ready to listen.

That is the interesting thing about all of this. It’s the first time science has been at a point where we could actually do this - aim for a 1 year window to a vaccine and then understand how to shut down to reduce the spread.

Perhaps lol, but it’s literally true nonetheless.

The vast majority of these idiots just recover or don’t get symptoms at all.