COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


I’m not sure this is what people meant when they said “The South rises again!”

Always wondered if there were ways that states could close their own borders. I mean I highly doubt there is given that Georgia has never closed its border with Florida but it’d be nice if there was for something like this.

It’ll keep on getting worse, Trump will keep saying we’re doing a great job, and I’m not sure what breaks us out of that cycle.

Well we learned there is a 3 week lag between cases rising and deaths rising. We reaffirmed that USA #1 is bottom of the barrel dumb. We really are the worst culture with the worst people.


Let’s just build a wall around every state.

The SCOTUS has always recognized a fundamental right to freedom of movement between the states. You can’t close state borders. The best you can do is quarantine people who cross.

I wonder if Trump has a number in his head on how bad it can get before he will change course.

I mean morgues are filling up. You will have democrats telling the media grandpa is buried by the shed because they couldn’t get someone to pick him up. Trump and the GOP can’t hide this.

Utah tried that early in the pandemic. It didn’t work as designed bc of technical reasons. Not to mention they didn’t actually close roads.


Yeah I figured.

Covid States of America

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Yeah, I’m not convinced we will care as a country. It’s still only going to be the people affected directly. And Republicans may be happy to see Democratic Grandpas getting buried by the shed.

If 2,000 deaths a day wasn’t enough, what will 5,000 a day do? Maybe 10K/day?

I mean for fucks sake, Texas is now talking about maybe shutting down. ICUs in Houston are full. Corpus Christi needs morgue trucks. But, maybe they’ll shut back down soon?

Right now the sky is the limit.


Move aside, bald eagle. This guy’s taking your job. USA#1

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It’s just going to be have enough for most everyone to know someone personally.

1/2 million maybe
Million I hope by then
2-3 Million LoLAmerica


I’m with you. Deplorable at my work will just continue saying that we have to keep trucking along to keep the economy open. No one gives a shit about anyone except Dow Joan.

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  1. Dump is incapable of storing any number in his long or short term memory

  2. Dump is incapable of forward thinking

  3. Dump is pot committed to OFB strategy and will never change course, will just keep martingaling until we are all dead


Specifically coming for the villages. Now that it’s in There its going to be a slaughter.

wo cheating he should Florida by 5-10 points if the olds really turn on him. And the Villages is white olds.

Narrator: that damn Edythe was a floozy hitting on widowers before their wives were buried. She deserved it.

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