COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

What if only really old people with one foot on a banana peel and one foot out the door died from car accidents? Checkmate.


How are you calculating SDI?

If it’s based on data, then it’s probable that Sundays look best because the data is lower on Sundays due to the weekend, so less cases, deaths, etc are reported.

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It’s this site:

It’s largely based on movement that I think they’re getting from mobile data, but it has their methodology on there. I think it just means more people stay at home on Sundays.

McConnell isn’t dumb, he’s a monster who prefers mass death to paying people to stay home. Your critiques often frame people as rational actors for good. That is not what is happening here. Mitch is the political representative of Corporate America. Their view on this is “Fuck off, back to work peasants!”


Live poker pros who can’t beat online who don’t have 12 months expenses saved up for a rainy day almost have to be pro re-opening out of sheer self-interest.


When Chris Moneymaker is dunking on you…


And the vast majority of Dems do nothing to effectively fight against this. Which is exactly how we ended up here. Our own party both serves as the “party of liberalism” and the gatekeeper to actually doing anything progressive.

The next stimulus bill will be full of handouts to the rich, the well connected and the Catholic church. It will hand out some crumbs to the 99.9%. Same as it ever was.

In the primary the “liberal” media and the majority of the Dem party openly called things like M4A socialist if not communist. Mitch isn’t the main problem. Chuck and Nancy are.


Yep that’s America in 2020.

He’s not smart either, he just comes across as being an evil genius because being evil is much easier. The issue is that most evil people are incredibly stupid so being evil with average intelligence makes you like super smart.


Lol, stupid republicans high on their own supply:

lmao, I know Kayla IRL. She’s probably a slightly above break-even player who knows how to market herself really well (good looking people usually do), especially on social media. The reason she’s a slight winner is because she knows how to use her assets (ahem) to bewilder and confuse young male players…it’s a skill, it works, and she’s good at it. That is not an insult, BTW. If I looked like her, you bet your ass I’d be using it (or at least trying) at the poker table and in life.

I never realized she was deplorable, but hey, trying times bring out the truth, I guess.

You can watch her play on old Live at the Bike episodes.


Oh come now. They are clearly being punished by jeebus for voting against THE FLAG.

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He’s been doing it for years :black_joker::black_joker::black_joker:


I saw her play like one hand on a Neeme vlog once and I had her pegged: slight winner at live poker, can’t beat online, thus needs games running.

I don’t feel bad for these people. It’s massively stupid to go into poker full-time without a proper bankroll plus at least six-months living expenses plus an ability to handily beat 2/5 or higher.

I expect a lot of pros to go bust during this because they don’t have that combination. The answer is not to call the governor a dictator lol…


oh, she has the roll. Her husband owns some clothing company or something and they are independently well-off enough that she was able to start her poker hobby comfortably rolled for 2/5 or even 5/5. I guess “small business owner” should have been the tipoff.

Conveniently, on the day Georgia hits its COVID high, we get the updated reopening plan from the school district. The in-person option is still basically “try to social distance, wash hands, masks recommended.” No real plan that I could see except “we’ll try.”

Oh so she doesn’t need the income and legit thinks it’s safe? Lol well alrighty then.



You can make a living at live 2/5? I can’t imagine.

Don’t harsh on Moneymaker. He’s the GOAT. This forum probably doesn’t exist without him. DUCY?

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