COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Doesn’t the virus take a couple of days to build up in the body before a person spreads it? If it does it seems like the odds that person B got it and was spreading it the very next day strongly enough to infect someone outdoors are really really slim


If I had kids in school, and luckily I don’t, I think what I’d try to finagle is finding 4 other households who were friends with my kids and were taking the lockdowns seriously, get everyone in each household tested, and then do remote school with all the kids rotating between the 5 houses each day, and then the parents or at least one parent per household, get their work schedules to be 4 10s or something like that instead of 5 8s, so that on your day you can supervise the kids and the virtual classrooms and do teaching. Some socializing, and then less impact on working parents trying to be teachers and workers at the same time. Like, this sucks too, but it seems like it sucks a little less.


based on worldometers at this point in the idea we will be above 65k today and will approach 70k. This is of course assuming all areas report at the same time they normally do and not earlier since it’s Friday.

52.5k and it’s 4:21 EST. There’s still 4 hours left of reporting

Yup just came here to grunch it up that 70k is looking pretty likely. 65k is already a lock with almosy all of Texas and Cali left and 53k thus far. Insane.

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Thanks. This being the case, idk how reassuring a negative test result for B is though.

Based on almost no Texas counties having reported yet and California still being very low (LA county has reported 300 cases whereas they had above 1500 yesterday) I think the US is pretty much a lock to pass 70k today.

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Lol poker players


This man knows what he’s talking about


Banning cigarettes not too crazy imo


If there were one million car crash fatalities a year, banning cars would be a serious option too.

If you can get the numbers down to low levels, it should in theory be possible to keep them there with an aggressive and organized system of testing, contact tracing, and isolation of exposed people.

There are places that seem to have done it much better than others. There are significant cultural differences and I’m sure it helps to be on an island, but Iceland is a success story. At one point they had police detectives doing contact tracing.

In a sane universe, I’d like to think that the US would have been testing 10 million people a day starting 3 months ago and taking contact tracing seriously. Our graph was probably never going to look like Iceland or New Zealand but I think by this point we could have had things mostly reopened and under control by now.

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It gets even better. Listening to tony Robinson and “health experts” and then seemingly she doesn’t even know how to use google

It seems she googled the worldwide car crash fatalities:


I mean JFC haven’t we basically tried to effectively ban cigs for non morons? Aren’t we trying to make cars safer?

I know that is the point, that these posts are dumb but good god some people are dumb and lack critical thinking skills.

Try the bolded, but in ALL CAPS!!!1!

Lol could you imagine if 3200 people a day (1.2 million a year) died from car accidents? Just lol.

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Yeah, holy shit if there were that many car fatalities a year driving would not be a thing.