COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I guess nervous at first, but as I am not of an at-risk group I think psychologically I would get used to it. That seems better for mental health than freaking out every day.
I definitely would not open schools in those states, but if I am trapped in that situation (as a teacher who needs to make a living or as a parents who needs his child taken care of, while I go to work), denial seems to be the „best“ option for mental health.

Matt, here is the one I was trying to think of. Mystery of Solarus is made by a french guy, and iirc for a while you could only play it in French.

He built it in a native application, so you don’t have to use an emulator or install a hack. Just run the program and play.

Thanks for indulging the video game tangent my fellow Covidians.

Hundreds of millions of Americans agree. Well, actually, if you ask them, they’ll deny it.

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Are we best friends now?

Johnny Bench is my all time favorite player. Back when i was young and didn’t realize that I was utterly hopeless in team sports, I wanted to play baseball. My parents let me do a summer clinic, and Johnny came one day and “coached” us. I was 5 or 6. It was one of the best days of my young life and forever cemented him as #1 in my heart forever and ever amen.

My avatar is #2 (sorry Joey, you’re amazing, but it would be a monumental task to replace Johnny as king of my heart)

Also, thank you for taking @CanadaMatt3004 to task over his terrible take so I didn’t have to.


Thanks guys… Appreciate the advice. :ok_hand:

Bench is the GOAT (this is coming from a Yadier Molina fan) and I have mad respect for Joey V.

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The most tilting thing about this whole episode might be that Trump was uniquely well positioned to handle the virus outbreak politically.

The progressives were always on board with lockdowns because that’s what the science said.

The right was the side that needed to be convinced. Trump has their ear in a big way. It was his tone of exigency (at Fauci’s behest) that caused the country to shut down in a semi-organized manner at all. A Clinton pres would have been fought every step of the way—imagine the batshit insanity if she had been president this whole time.

If Trump has stepped up to the plate, we could have actually stopped it. Even our half assed approach was going alright until mid-April, when a lack of national leadership and constant waffling from Trump signaled OFB was okay. It would have been so easy—just present a clear, coherent narrative about the importance of strictly following social distancing, and constantly project how great of a job you’re doing. We’d be out of the woods.

But he completely and totally fucked up the one important challenge of his presidency. What a worthless POS.


He’s fucked up every opportunity he’s had in his entire life basically. Donald Trump is nothing more than he is a gigantic shining example of everything wrong with our so called meritocracy. He’s a demon made of our national sins and systemic problems and he’s here to wreck our shit. He’s definitely in my ‘proof there could actually be a god’ level of coincidence bucket. Like imagine the world was a TV show being played for someone’s amusement. We are getting a taste of our medicine and it’s probably pretty funny to them. Pricks.

Literally any system that takes longer than 2 years to strip Donald Trump of all his money isn’t meritocratic enough IMHO.


The craziest thing to me is knowing that Trump can still do all of this whenever he chooses and he would be hailed by the media for finally changing tactics but he never will because he’d have to admit he fucked up at first. He’s so fucking dumb he doesn’t realize that if he called for shutdowns AND payments to people his popularity would jump 10 points and he’d have a decent shot of getting reelected.


It’s pretty close to flat up, you just have to turn the page to see it.

I definitely don’t remember this happening. I remember people specifically ignoring Trump’s stupidity and locking down themselves, often well before the governors issued any orders.

Again, this isn’t what happened. In the week of April 14, every single state in the country had a 40+ SDI (very good, not half-assed at all). When Trump yelled ‘liberate’ a bunch of red states said ‘YEAH LIBERATE MUH FREEDOMS’. That was the last week we were at 40+ SDI as a country, and that’s completely 100 percent on Trump.

The drum roll of OFB took weeks to take hold because media outlets didn’t properly criticize that push as it was happening. Then after it did take hold, media outlets started saying that it was a mistake. Then a bunch of governors, either stupid incompetent ones or ones facing a ton of pressure, began to re-open probably realizing it was too early (the competent ones). They hoped for the best and expected to be able to shut down again. Unfortunately for them, so far, they’ve been wrong.

If Trump had just told people to listen to the health experts and not Mike Effing Pence and him and thrown a bunch of money at the problem it could have been his two outer to cruise to re-election. But this is Trump. As with everything, it’s directly his fault and there’s an excessive amount of blood on his and his administration’s hands on this.


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That Israel graph is concerning to me. Australia too. My assumption is that both countries severely locked down, and clearly almost completely eliminated the virus. Then, restrictions relax (and again, my assumption is that relaxed for them isn’t comparable to relaxed in USA#1), and boom, up it goes.

The pessimist in me is thinking that it doesn’t really matter what we do, absent a year+ long full shelter in place lock-down, the shit is just gonna get who it gonna get, and even the most cautious among us wouldn’t believe for a second that a 12-24 month stay at home order would ever be remotely possible.


To follow up on this 30+ SDI for 12 weeks by paying people to stay at home gambit, I did a little research. Guess what? Every state in the country has done this for several Sundays (generally from March 22-April 19). The hashtag should be #treateverydaylikesunday for 12 weeks. If people can remember what they were doing back in late March to mid-April on Sundays that’s likely the level of lock down we need for 12 weeks to potentially beat this thing. Time is probably running out to get there.

The 30+ ‘event’ typically only happened on Sundays as an additional FYI. Here’s the handy list:

State Target SDI Guess Earliest Date 30+ Above Target SDI
California 45+ Sunday March 29, 2020 (75)
Illinois 35+ Saturday March 28, 2020 (67)
New Jersey 45+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (80)
New York 45+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (77)
Louisiana 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (65)
Oregon 35+ Sunday March 29, 2020 (71)
Connecticut 35+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (71)
Ohio 35+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (66)
Delaware 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (67)
Indiana 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (68)
Massachusetts 40+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (71)
Michigan 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (68)
New Mexico 30+ Sunday March 29, 2020 (62)
Vermont 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (63)
Washington 40+ Sunday March 29, 2020 (74)
West Virginia 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (63)
Hawaii 50+ Sunday March 29, 2020 (80)
Idaho 25+ Sunday March 29, 2020 (67)
Wisconsin 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (68)
Colorado 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (62)
Kentucky 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (64)
Minnesota 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (69)
New Hampshire 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (64)
Alaska 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (61)
Missouri 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (67)
Montana 25+ Saturday March 28, 2020 (56)
Rhode Island 35+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (69)
Kansas 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (68)
Maryland 40+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (70)
North Carolina 40+ or 35+ Sunday April 12, 2020 (73)
Virginia 35+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (66)
Arizona 35+ Sunday April 5, 2020 (66)
Tennessee 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (61)
District of Columbia 50+ Sunday April 12, 2020 (81)
Nevada 35+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (65)
Oklahoma 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (62)
Pennsylvania 30+ Saturday March 21, 2020 (60)
Maine 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (59)
Texas 35+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (65)
Florida 40+ Sunday March 29, 2020 (72)
Georgia 35+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (65)
Mississippi 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (63)
Alabama 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (61)
South Carolina 35+ Sunday April 12, 2020 (74)
Arkansas 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (65)
Iowa 30+ or 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (68)
Nebraska 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (66)
North Dakota 25+ Saturday March 21, 2020 (57)
South Dakota 25+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (59)
Utah 30+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (65)
Wyoming 20+ Sunday March 22, 2020 (51)
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I was cowering under my bed.

Completely and utterly impossible in America. Totally hopeless. If you took the top 10% of Americans on lockdowns and only needed them to follow you would still have zero chance.

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Oh awesome, I haven’t seen this one before. Ill find a ROM of it and add it to my SNES classic, if only because I need a real SNES controller in my hands to play these games.


They do it most Sundays in many of the red places in the country. The key is to figure out what they’re doing when their SDI is high. But, yeah, the instant gratification world we live will make this pretty damn hard to do without a big incentive for people to stay at home (I think 30+ is more than what we need as an additional FYI).

I always thought the ‘we’re paying people to stay at home’ that Trump and Mitch were whining about was legit nut low messaging. Of course that’s what they’re doing you dumb dips***s. They were ‘smart’ enough to get what was happening but not why. Standard.

GA setting record with 4,484 new cases today

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Possible I may have been exposed. Not sure how much to modify my behavior. Person A was with person B in the cab of a truck, maskless, not sure how long, on Monday. Person A had a “scratchy throat” on Tuesday, got tested. B has lunch outside with C on Wednesday. Thursday, A’s test result is positive. B is informed of positive result and gets himself tested. B informs C, but not before I have dinner outside with C, though we were inside while the meal was prepared, in a group of 6 for some time.

So with A being sick, A->B->C->D,E,F,G,H, wild guesses as to transmission probabilities get me ~1% chance any one of us got infected at dinner last night. I don’t plan to change behavior much, except not to go out in public until I know B’s result. I feel a little achy today but even if infected, could I expect any symptoms so quickly? Temperature and O2 are normal.

Am I being reasonable?

Yeah I opted my kids out.

My daughter is happy about it because she takes covid seriously and she likes learning online.

My son is upset as he’ll be in 5th grade and his last year with friends who go to different middle school and he didn’t like online learning in the spring. But as parents, we have to be the bad guys and keep him and others in the house safe.