COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I was leaning towards 2 of my kids being online, but the third being in person. Third kiddo has pretty significant academic struggles and I am petrified at how costly it’s going to be for them to not be in school. But I’m pretty steadily moving towards accepting that all 3 are going to be remote.

Edit: This is a good article on school reopening. It’s an interview with economist Emily Oster, who I’m a fan of.

The vast majority of people are terrible at understanding math, odds, percentages, etc. We as poker players have a much firmer grasp on how 5% is not anywhere near 0%. People also can’t comprehend that even of the odds of a particular outcome are low, if the negative side results in death that makes the overall range of outcomes worse. Glad you faded your two outter.


I’m surprised DeSantis hasn’t said COVID is a preexisting condition and therefore hospitals don’t need to accept new patients.

So, we have MLS, NBA, and hordes of unwashed deplorables w/kids all converging on one city in a state that just posted 11.5k new cases. RON must know something we don’t.

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Israel got down to 5 cases a day at the low point on May 16th. They opened schools with pretty strict restrictions on May 3rd. Not that schools are the source of the resurgence, other things were opened as well.


My wife’s uncle (and presumably aunt) are positive. Guess who was just hanging around her parents last weekend? And, if you were wondering, her mom did indeed get over lung cancer ~1.5 years ago. Her parents’ housekeeper and one of their best friends are also positive. Shit is finally getting real to small towns down here.


Sportswriter asserting that athletes opting out of a shitshow of a season are hurting their legacy. Selfish fuckers in the cheap seats trying to shame people to risk their health so we can get our sportsball.


Hi all… My Uncle cought the Covid-19 and has recovered.

  • No one informed me, because I may have freaked out.
  • My parents have since been over visiting.
  • I don’t know when he had it.

What’s the chance I should just freak out more because some patients get in again… Is this possible or just speculation?

I’m mad as hell atm. :angry: Should I be worried @Danspartan @anon38180840

Help me calm down, please. :roll_eyes::pray::pray::pray:


My sister used to be fairly strict on how much time she would let her kids have on video games. But this virus has basically caused her to say fuck it.


Lol, might be the worst take in all of Twitter. 3 time WS champ, MVP, rookie of the year, and likely greatest catcher of all time decides to sit out a useless moneygrab of a season to protect two premature adopted babies.

Yep, total reputation tarnisher there.


Something like that could happen if incentivized, I’m just saying 6 weeks won’t be enough time to change anything based on previous data. There’s enough data on what the social distancing index score (SDI) does to where an extreme lock down needs to be at least 10 weeks to begin to bend the curve in a hot spot. It takes 4 weeks to begin to slow the curve. In the original shutdown only a handful of places went extreme (D.C. was the star and still is but needs an extremely high SDI to crush the curve). Pennsylvania is the only place that lasted 6 weeks with a very high SDI score relative to what I think they needed to be at and they’re in the process of a major bounce back.

My guess is if every place went to 30+ points above a guessed target SDI score (I have this guess for most general places but really think this should be done at county level) for 12 weeks we could crush the curve (definitely cannot guarantee it wouldn’t bounce back). Other than hot spots, no state was 20+ above during the original shutdown for more than a few weeks. People would have to take this seriously (it might not even need to be as extreme as just going out for groceries in most places), and the only way to do that is to get people to stay home by paying them to do so. The worst thing we could do is go half as long as necessary only to watch it fall apart again after wasting a bunch more money. We need to go further than is thought necessary by a few weeks and if it doesn’t work out that’s that.

The ‘best’ thing about this idea is they have an extremely good idea of how much doing this would cost based on the relief packages that have been passed (10 weeks of PPP relief was created and 12 weeks of PUA). They just don’t want to deal with it right now. Time is our enemy, along with Mitch, the GOP, and the Trump administration.


Big swing up from three weeks ago (blue line). Currently on track to be at 4M cases in 14 days, and I would guess we see a bit more as the curve keeps veering upward.



There are few other options. What I’ve taken to is getting involved in the stuff my son wants to do more. Instead of telling him VG time is over so he can… stare at a wall I guess, I find out what game he is playing, see if there is a two player option, go exploring with him. Pull out my SNES classic and show him the games I grew up with. Tell him why ALTTP will always be the best Zelda game. Teach him the code to get to Tyson in Punch Out, Teach him the konami code and then beat contra with him, show him just how cheap Chun-Li can be in SF2.

I know WE dont all have endless time, because we are adults with responsibility and shit, but these kids really do have ENDLESS time right now. At least until instruction starts again next month. Let them enjoy it. They lost one of their few childhood summers this year. Its the absolute least we can do.


If he recovered and tested negative twice, it’s probably safe to visit him, though I’d feel weird about it myself. When he had it is really important. If he had it for like a week, felt better, and they visited, that was really bad. So the timing is important. If he had it for a couple weeks, tested negative twice, etc, the broad consensus would be he’s safe.

We really don’t know. It seems extremely rare, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

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Yeah we’re done with all that. We tried, it was too hard, oh well, we’re only human, nobody else is doing it! You can’t kill the economy, too! People gotta eat! That pile of money over there in the Waltons’, Bezos’, Bloombergs’, Trumps’, etc’s backyard? No don’t look at that, they worked hard for that, it’s theirs not yours. Back to work, now, peasants! Back to work!

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It takes some chutzpah to include this is a rebuke of someone else’s alleged bad take.


Haha, @mosdef beat me to it as I was snapping a picture of my office/beer room wall.


Carville voice: The debt is GONE.

Right now, it’s all Monopoly money and they should use it while money is still worth something. Doing so might actually help GOP election chances, but why do that?



Minimum, if schools are forced to open it’s going to be much higher, imo