COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

That’s what us Michigan people call ourselves, yes. Sometimes we drop that in favor of Deplorables.


That is the correct term. We will fight anyone that tries to use “Michiganians”.

Melbourne ICU beds at 85% capacity (380 of 446). Honest reporting possibly as this seems shocking given we only have 1000 active cases of covid statewide.

Has anyone heard how school openings are supposed to actually work?

Does the whole school close and quarantine when an employee or student tests positive?

What if a family member of a student tests positive?

What if a coworker of a family member of a student tests positive?

Doesn’t seem plausible.


Is this Australia?

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What’s wild is the trump and the GOP could stop this if they really closed down for 6 weeks and gave everyone money to stay home. They’d end up wafflecrushing in November too. But they won’t, I assume because they actually believe all the bs they spout.


And how many non-residents?

They should have a contest between Melbourne, Australia (5m) and Melbourne, FL (80k) for which has the fewest cases.


Their donors won’t allow it because they would take a short term hit financially.


I have no idea how to get that data. Letting 1,000 residents a week die and probably at least that many non residents so you can open up LOL Disney and Bubba Gump Shrimp would be a scene from Idiocracy that would be stretching it too far.

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Yeah sorry not Melbourne Florida. Definitely should have clarified that now that I think of it.

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The college I work at is announcing their re-opening plan tomorrow after it was approved by the state this week. Going to be almost all remote, aside from those portions of sections that require in-person instruction for academic integrity. 12% of course sections fall into the bucket of requiring some in-person, and a portion of those are likely to be cancelled. Those that go will have strict capacity restrictions, mask, and distancing requirements, coupled with enhanced access control and cleaning protocols. Seems pretty reasonable, tbh.

Will definitely ask at the Town Hall tomorrow what the plan is if (lol when) students or staff test positive.

My boss has let me know that myself and a few other “key personnel” will be asked to remain working from home indefinitely (definitely into 2021) in order to mitigate the operational risk to the business if we die. Guess I’d deserve a raise if higher ed wasn’t about to go busto.

This is NY, and I’m hearing that Trump’s “throw out the dirty foreign students if they don’t take in-person classes” is causing some serious strife, but schools are colluding and are committed to do just about anything to protect them and stuff his racist ass.


Literally these two things and nothing else. You and your fellow humans are doing this. In other states, there is near zero compliance.

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Maybe that many is a pipe dream but if they don’t have maga hats n Disney tees? It’s not 100% about having perfect teachers , idk , but having the kids interact safely . If u initially find 2 like mind, acceptable families close by, it’s a good start til y’all double up.l. Nobody has the perfect solution but kids are smart.

Criminally underrated show

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I think the main difference is the NE did it much slower till they got to a point where it was safe to start reopening with sufficient testing and contact tracing to snuff out flare-ups and the ability to quickly backtrack if necessary, along with good mask compliance and generally good social distancing compliance

I do think that indoor dining and indoor bars are going to come back to bite us though over time and will likely need to be shut back down.


I hate to break it to you, but your best friend isn’t very smart.

Is he a Libertarian too?


The more I think about this, I see no way school is happening.

Like a lot of things (Disney World, the NFL, eating indoors at restaurants), I think it will start and then be quickly shut down after the COVID gets out of control.