COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I asked what the plan was when they re-opened school and a kid caught it. “What do we do when a kid gets the chickenpox? Keep them home for a week I guess?” Chessmate.

It’s going to be a disaster either way. If schools open, many people are going to get sick. If schools don’t open, the damage to children’s development will be astronomical.

Personally, I think schools should open anyway despite the inevitable death, but what a fucking disgrace that school districts are now forced to make this choice.

Yeah it’s amazing that we’re going to fuck it up over and over without learning. Like maybe if we stick this paper clip into that electrical socket again, the third time will be the charm. ZAP!!!

Well, if at first you don’t succeed…

I mean…I think he’s right about that too. A school isn’t getting shut down over a single case. That summer camp that finally closed had 80 cases.

The only thing that drives me nuts about this is half the time when you look into it it’s “we’re at ICU capacity (before executing our contingency plans to open another wing)” etc. I get that they should be sounding the alarm early and often, because when they open that other wing care is going to drop.

But I’d also like to know when they’re really out of contingencies and not just when they are at normal capacity or w/e. As far as I know no one has begged Trump for more vents and field hospitals yet. When that comes then I’ll be like - ok we’re at absolute no-more-contingincies capacity now. I expect it soon.

I forgot that Chickenpox spreading through a school threatened the lives and long term health of janitors, lunch ladies, teachers, secretaries, administrators, etc. I always worry about kids taking Chickenpox home and transmitting it to their grandparents and killing them.

Tell your friend to come into this thread so he can educate a bunch of us dolts.



If kids were smart we wouldn’t be living through half of this bullshit.

You know now that I think of it, American Exceptionalism may be on display here. If there is herd immunity to this thing, the biggest challenge to getting it is getting the public to behave like everything is normal so they keep spreading it and get to immunity. That’s not easy to do…

In most places.

Here, we’re pulling it off.

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A single case inevitably becomes 80 if there are enough people around.

The laughter of the rest of the world at us has a nervous lilt.

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lol man i love the “why dont we contact trace STI’s” just like someone in GOP rolled out “why dont we contract trace cancer”? lmao

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Is it ok :ok_hand: f my right arm goes to softball practice?

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Would be interesting to see Whitmer initiate the first statewide rent freeze.

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Loud af fireworks in my area at 11;30 n a Thursday. I wish that intellectual property was home vaccining

Nobody has any fucking idea. At least here in the states

Younger kids, like age maybe 11 down, yes.

Older kids already live much of their social lives online.

The impact of that on the teacher also seems severe.