COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Just got confirmation from my CEO today that we’re for sure working from home through August and almost certainly September too. I’m glad my company is taking this seriously.


Texas really zeroing in on the all time record for any state with over 11,000 today now and still data to come.


The Challenger didn’t fuck me up. It made me tough so I can look at pictures of aluminum children in cages and not care.


Amazing sequence, really. How to fuck up a pandemic master class.


“Very close to a vaccine” being the very first comment, lol.


Have you called to check on your result or is it posted online? I was supposed to be called with my results. I got impatient and called them. Sure enough, ‘yep it looks like we have your result.’ Unclear how much longer I would have waited if I hadn’t called.

Posted online. I took it at one of the CVS drive through sites.


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The schools are going to be shutting down again. This is 100% going to happen.

Teachers and kids are going to get sick. Admins and support staff are going to get sick.

It is completely delusional to believe that things will be hunky dory if kids are told to wear masks and to eat lunch in their homeroom.

The impact this is going to have on kids (that don’t get sick, have to deal with the death of their teacher, or bring covid home to their family) is seeing that the adults have NFI what they are doing, which will be terrifying for them.


The truly moronic thing that is happening is that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are countries beating this thing and with kids in school. We could just mimic them rather than thinking we are so god damn special all the time. It’s infuriating.

But that might cost us our FREEDUMBS so fuck that.


I mean, ffs we don’t even have to imitate other countries. Just fucking copy what the northeast is doing.


Are we going over 1k deaths today? Wapo tracker has it at 861 so far. Are there major states that haven’t reported yet?

Edit: NM, worldometers has it at 946 and we’re still missing ND, WV, WY, VT, AK, and HI. I guess it’s going to be a nailbiter.

My kids school district just released a bunch of survey results. Seems very clear they’re going to do in-person instruction with 50% of students on campus each day, the other 50% learning remotely. Even the majority of the teachers and staff supported that over all-remote learning.

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This is a real thing?? People are that into theme parks eh?

So this is a stupid question. What are the major differences between what the Northeast is doing vs most of the rest of the country? I could probably infer the answers, but I’m not certain.

I’m in Boston, and this is what I see:

  • people wearing masks w nearly 100% compliance
  • people observing social distancing

But, we’re kinda OPEN FOR BUSINESS. You can sit inside at a restaurant (and people are doing this, surprising to me). You can go to the nail salon and get a haircut. You can go to the casino (starting Monday I think).

I’m a summer child. What’s the difference? I’m extremely proud that MA is succeeding in re-opening now, but based on what I’m seeing in other states it feels like only a matter of time before we’re getting re-wafflecrushed. Maybe the fact that we got pwned by the virus back in March/April has set us up for the requisite diligence to succeed now?

ETA our governor is competent - he’s still holding near daily news conferences and is threatening to pull the plug on any reopening phase if there is an uptick in the virus. People could be actually listening to him?

VT has been stuck at 56 deaths (cumulative) for nearly a month. It’s going to add zero to your number.

88 tables of poker running in Vegas right now, I checked on Bravo. Amazing.

I don’t mean to say that the vaccine would infect them, just that the vaccine will not be 100% effective for everyone. This is normal with a lot of vaccines but it seems a lot of the average public doesn’t really understand this point.

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Still missing a few smaller Texas and CA counties. I think we end up a bit short though.