COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Yeah, I was thinking about this today. They wheeled in TVs for the challenger launch and that fucked up kids. Imagine rotating teachers out that keep dying or even having to quarantine or go to hospital.


I don’t think either of these are good reasons to keep schools closed. Schools don’t have to look like summer camps in terms of group sizes, distancing, cleaning, and so on. And the unknown effects would have to be catastrophic to outweigh the benefit of open schools.

The real problem is dead teachers and parents. My family will go from a bubble of ~5 people to one that includes at least a couple hundred people even for a small class of 15 students.

My 5th grade teacher got sick, had to take leave, and then died.

I don’t remember her death impacting anybody, we were all basically psychopaths (as are many/most kids that age). But I can tell you that having an ever-rotating cast of temporary teachers absolutely destroys any chance of a real learning environment. Hell, in my son’s class his teacher took maternity leave and that was basically a lost semester because it was a different teacher every two weeks or something.

But I guess even in this scenario school can still just function as day care so their parents can go make billionaires richer, which I guess is really all the WE NEED TO OPEN THE SCHOOLS people want.

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Thoughts and prayers.

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I’d take the fact that you are still breathing as a plus.

Right? And we are not talking about one teacher in a student’s entire education career who dies. That is a profound moment, but it doesn’t usually fuck people up for life.

The trauma of numerous teachers getting sick and dying throughout your entire state’s school system will 100% fuck up kids.

So if kids of a bunch of Trumper Rednecks get brain damage from Covid how will be able to know?


A heat wave with 100+ degree temperatures from Arizona to New England is about to start. And it’s gonna last for at least 2 weeks. A lot of people will be inside.

Mississippi’s 5 largest hospitals are at ICU capacity. This is the same dipshit governor who refused to do anything when New Orleans was an epicenter 40 minutes from his border. Good work bud.


Michigan is not opening schools. It’s only a matter of time before other states do the same. No matter how hard he tries, Trump can’t make the virus go away.


Hopefully this decision will make it easier for other states to make the same decision.


I actually got the test as part of a plan to relatively safely see a terminally ill relative. So it pisses me off more than a little that it has worked out like this.

Have most people given up on the possibility of opening safely? It doesn’t have to be YOLO or nothing. I see Michigan refusing to open as a disaster, not something to be celebrated.

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My take on it is that it represents a tangible decision by leadership. No celebration or whinging on my part, but it’s nice to see a decisive action being taken to provide people with some sort of ability to plan ahead. I really don’t think there’s a good answer. As has been stated many times ITT, the die was cast months ago.

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Have you spent much time in the US of A? I agree it shouldn’t be all or nothing but we have tried the personal responsibility tact and it has been a complete disaster. This country is ran by and largely populated by adult children.

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It’s going to be largely up to Mitch. If the schools aren’t open a lot of people can’t work, which means they need some form of UBI. If Mitch won’t give it, the states will have to buckle and open the schools.

Some people may have given up on the possibility of opening safely while Trump is president.