COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Lol I just listened to this after reminding myself of it and it’s more perfect than I thought.

Life is unfair, so I just stare at the stain on the wall where
The TV’d been, but ever since we’ve moved in it’s been empty
Why I, why I’m in this room
There is no point explaining
You’re not the boss of me now, and you’re not so big

Life is a test, and I confess
I like this mess I’ve made so far
Grade on a curve and you’ll observe
I’m right below the horizon
Yes, no, maybe, I don’t know
Can you repeat the question?
You’re not the boss of me now


You’re sounding more like Jeffrey Epstein everyday


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So much for deaths being down.

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We are about to find out with Chattanooga. Two red states duking it out over who owns that mess.

Looks like we are about to transition from “Deaths are down” back to “It’s only olds and sick people on their deathbed dying so it doesn’t matter”


I’m still struggling to understand how schools could possibly open. Our local district is thinking about a 2 days on, 3 days at home plan, and even that seems risky. Thank god I’m not a teacher.

One thing I have noticed, is that some teachers and retired teachers around here are starting up online education “schools”. No idea if they have permits or anything, but they’re advertising on FB. I’m sure that will go just fine up here in Trump land.


Is AU the Atlanta Falcons or HC of corona ? They were outa the trap ,no.?

The South sure is saying something.


The 2/3 plan to s fine or a death sentence depending on everyone else we in the group. If u are n an area where parents and teachers take covid seriously and have open communication, it something that is f course risky but the kids need it. If your in an area where the kids show up for day 1 w fresh Disney tees n ffffukk that .

It’s a ridiculously tough spot.

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Considering I live in one of the reddest, Trumpiest districts in CA, it’s probably closer to the death sentence side of the scale.

I don’t have kids so I’m prolly should be staying in my lane, but is finding -6 -12 equally aware families in the area to possibly rotate home school even a one outer? I know kids need other kids but dam it would be hard to send them out not an environment like that.
Hang in there dude. I wish y’all the best .

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My MIL and FIL who are roughly 60 and definitely have comorbidities who work in different capacities in schools. They are both all in on KIDS NEED TO GET BACK IN SCHOOL and I doubt they have even considered that their chance of dying over the course of a school year to be probably 10% or something. I have considered it a lot and it scares the hell out of me.

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I’ve been thinking about this, but you need to know the families really well. Are they taking precautions? Would they be good teachers? Keep in mind there is zero oversight so you need to also trust them not to be abusive or creepy. I’d say, yeah, it’s REALLY tough to find 6-12 families. Maybe one or two would work.

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I don’t have kids either.

Also, proving you totally ignored my post(s) in the sexism thread, not a dude.


Can she get the MRI at an outpatient facility? I had to get one a few weeks back. Appointments scheduled so that there is only ever one patient there at a time. I opted for the first appointment on a Monday morning. Interacted with the check in person who was distanced, behind glass, and masked. Then with the MRI tech who was masked and only within 6 ft for a minute or so. I felt pretty safe.

Either way, best wishes to Truantwife.


Looks like we’re in for a pretty sucky month. If this wave is twice as bad as the 1st one we’re looking at maybe 4k/day? Hard to say what with improvement in treatments over the past few months.

I"m going to lose it with the truthers soon. Duke educated nurse high school friend posting about going to Magic Kingdom or whatever it is, Disney, etc. while laughing that the Ozarks only produced 2 cases. ONLY 2! She’s a Democrat. If these people are this ignorant I don’t see how we ever get this taken care of.