COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

This cheered me up. Ty

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“I vehemently disagree with hiding the numbers,” Chitwood said in a phone interview. He says he remains a supporter of Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, but believes that political retribution did play a part in the sudden decision to stop providing him with data. The state offered no explanation of why it decided to provide the data after all.



Montana joining the list of states not doing as well as they look.

They’ve had less than 1,500 cumulative cases. But 95 of those were today. A 7% increase in the last day, and a worrying total for a state with a million people.

They went from having 66 cases during the entire month of May to exceeding 66 cases three of the last seven days. They had one death in May, five in June, and three already in July.

Idaho is the undisputed champ of tiny population but big per capita outbreak. If it had California’s population, it would be looking at 20,000 cases/day right now. But Montana has gone from very, very little COVID to having a significant outbreak very quickly.

This underscores the difficulty of stamping this thing out. If this is a disease that can flatten an all-star MLB player for a month or cause healthy a 29 year old to get part of their lung removed with any sort of regularity, then we simply cannot resume anything resembling normal lifestyle until we have a vaccine.

We had a shot to go back to normal life, but very carefully. We blew it. We need into lockdown again.


It’s killing me watching California continue to open up while cases are exploding, I don’t think any state is going to revert to lockdowns until it’s far too late.

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Tourism ftw

26% in one country neighboring counties w < 4 cases. Seems like a great place to drive to and Q in the stix if u don’t have to be near Billings .

I’m not convinced any state is going to lockdown again ever tbh. Update from Oklahoma, almost all ICUs are full:


12 beds left in the whole state?? God damn.

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From my child’s school district. They are BEGGING for more people to sign up for distance learning because, right now, the number of people who have signed up (with a registration deadline of tomorrow) would only lead to 1-4 fewer students per class.

Essentially, exactly what we were saying yesterday. The increase in cases is going to lead to a cycle of shutdowns and reopenings and shutdowns for schools having in person classes.

Just a fucking joke of a county. Fuck.


Presumably there may be some hospitals with more than 10% that didn’t make that list. But there can’t be many as by my count every single OKC metro hospital is on there and there are 3 total beds available today. Also all of the small towns send actual critical patients to OKC and Tulsa as their ICU staff isn’t really up to the task of Covid. I’ve heard nurses and doctors say if you end up there and they can’t transfer you because the bigger city hospitals are full that it is essentially a death sentence.

Even if there were more beds or they convert beds there won’t be trained ICU staff to take care of the overflow patients.

Imagine listening to that and feeling relieved that the hospitalizations are just because of elective surgeries. Just imagine.

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We aren’t anywhere near peak hospitalizations from Covid. Just wait two weeks. There will really be a ton of elective surgeries then!


Just imagine when the non-elective surgeries for liberals start. Hospitals are going to be cranking.

One of my friends from high school (we’re more like “acquaintances” now, but that’s besides the point) has been in sports radio for years. He started a new Facebook page where he does short, daily live streams about sports and life. This morning, he interviewed a friend who contracted COVID. 39-years-old, healthy, doctor.

The guy had to be intubated and put into a coma for 12 days. He said a nurse told him later that they didn’t think he was going to make it. Was in the hospital for 30 days away from his family. He said he even requested the intubation because his breathing and cough got so bad, but he knew that once that happened, he only had a 30% chance of surviving. Fucking scary as hell and it’s amazing he’s back home.


I’m not convinced any state is going to lockdown again ever tbh. Update from Oklahoma, almost all ICUs are full:

We all know it’s better not to get caught.
Lockdown = they got caught. Ain’t happening

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Be seen reporting issues from state to state vary from” actual bed left “: to beds left we can accommodate under current staffing. Who the f knows.

It’s can be a BS metric anyway . Miami may have 10 beds available while Tallahassee has 200 so Florida as a state looks ok?

And that is just today’s news.

Man I know I annoy some of u and it’s reciprocal but m in good tears rn, when I started posting I mentioned I hated the fact my 62 year old sister who is a charge nurse wouldn’t quick her job despite family money pushing her to at least quit til the scare was over.

Did she hit a one or 2 outer? She tested negative yesterday ( precaution ) and is seeing her 5-6th month old grandson for the first time today.


The entire covid saga in the US was predicted by the TMBG song from Malcolm in the Middle.

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