COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


Florida 9k positives on 37k tests. Just under 25% positivity. Wow.


He’s like racist 1920s Larry David.


They’re keeping those test numbers down, though. Daddy must be so proud. In before people starting talking about positivity rate and Trump is like, “It’s all a Democrat trick. You test a lot, you get a lot of cases. You test less, you get a higher positive rate. You can’t win with these presidential harassers.”


Published 9th July

Children ‘don’t seem to transmit the disease’

Ms Williams said it would be “disingenuous to say fully opening schools is a zero-risk proposition” but she said the “balance of risks” allowed a return to full-time schooling in September.

“Children, especially younger children, don’t seem to transmit the disease to one another, or to on to adults,” she said.

What is the scientific advice?

The group giving scientific advice to the Welsh Government said there remained some “ongoing uncertainty in transmissibility” of coronavirus by children.

But it said that “real world observation of school opening in England and other countries has shown little transmission by children”.

Transmissibility in children under the age of 12 seems to be particularly low, the Technical Advisory Group said, “and this leads us to feel able to recommend that these children can be covid secure using more flexible controls than the 2m distance, such as seating facing in the same direction.”

But secondary age children are “likely to need to reduce overall daily contacts by 40-60% to maintain Covid-19 security”, it said, suggesting 2m social distancing or maintaining “covid secure groups”.

Fines not applicable in Wales but are applicable in England

This has been predicted here by sharps for weeks but the tone of the article suggests a dreadful sense of urgency and a wuddawegonnado mentality. But hey , at least they are “ exploring “ a plan . Wtf


Is there ever a point when Republicans admit reality wrt covid?

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Yes, if Joe Biden wins they will admit that it’s a huge problem and it’s all the president’s fault.


We are going to get to find out pretty soon. Overrun hospitals and soaring death totals seems very likely by the end of the month at this point.

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It’s going to be a weird transition for Fox to go from “Covid isn’t even that bad, gotta go back to work” in the morning to “Our country is being overwhelmed by a deadly virus while Democrats do NOTHING!” in the afternoon of January 20th.


No. You are talking about a collection of the worst human beings known to man. They will lie , spin, deny spin, scapegoat etc etc . They haven’t admitted they are wrong yet and they won’t. It’s just not what they do.

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So the dude I followed & have posted in other threads who blogged about his travels through Old USSR and surrounding areas has finally appeared again after his ill fated trip to Serbia when the Covid-19 cases stared rising there…

What dramatically different is the way he seems, NO energy in his voice, NO enthusiasm in his Voice, pity he took a ICU bed from a Serbian resident though after phoning friends in Russia to help in his own god dam fuck up.

From 1 month ago…


I’m interested to see how they switch if they do. Half the social media posts from this year will be deleted overnight.

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They’ll manage. It helps when your viewers are totally brainwashed.

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TBF most anarchists I’ve known could probably use a bath. Microbet excluded of course!

In regards to Covid, excluding Trump, do upper echelon republicans actually get high on their own supply? Are they drinking their own koolaid?

For example, do 50ish year old republican govs, senators or congressmen take any precautions towards their own parents? Or do they let their 22 year old non mask wearing , bar going kids interact w their 80 year old parents at Sunday dinner. Do they change their tone when it comes to high risk immediate family members or is it brainwashing at aScientology like level?

Fox is pretty good at shameless pivots and contradictory positions…


I agree with u 100% on the brainwashing. What we never hear about, and I’m incredibly curious, is how do the brainwashed Fox and Trump cult crew react when they actually lose a loved one to this? Do they chalk it up #PRICEOFFREEDOM? Like the ultimate way of keeping score in a game or war, is deaths. How are they reacting to their own people passing? How do they tell their 7 years olds on a hoax, go to school when the kid is looking at their dead papa?

There have been tons of reactions posted itt of people who called it a hoax and got super sick or lost a loved one.

They usually pivot to ok the virus is real but I still support Republicans, we should probably wear masks though kinda thing


Today is looking bad both from cases and deaths perspectives