COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

That has been my thought, too.


Nothing too surprising about this. This is why you should get your yearly flu shot.

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Yeah I should of worded that better. I don’t think opening is the right move for some places. Only the isolation is hard on many kids mental health.

Buckle up buttercup. 1,000/day 7DRA by end of the month?

Seems like a lock. Will any of these hard hit red states shutdown? If they don’t how bad can it get? Those are the big questions for me at this point. The mask mandates may help some but I really doubt it alone can get us to R <1 just because compliance will never be what it should be.

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Always good when a country with 4% of the worlds population has 30% of the world’s Covid cases.

We’re #1! We’re #1!


And my friends fiances dad+grandpa have been exposed. (Me and my friend are not exposed due to this.). And all because Donny Dumbfuck decided to bet on the economy and the virus not being a big deal.

We got maybe 10% herd immunity. Suck it Straya!

I was yelling at my friends that 20-30% was a lot of equity, etc, etc… Not sure I “expected” him to win, per se, but I knew he was drawing very live.

Yeah I expected them to do a lot of bending over backwards to cover for him, but they have eclipsed even my expectations.

This didn’t surprise me.

This is just a total cop-out. We fucking failed, we totally fucking failed. We did not do what we should have, and if everyone who considered doing more did more we probably make the difference needed. It’s not about the couple hundred doors I would have knocked on, it’s the couple hundred doors a couple thousand people would have knocked on.


Not that we wouldn’t have been light years better off with Hill but I do wonder how nuts the FREEDUMB brigade would have gotten when she put the US into lockdown.


Republicans: Making problems worse to get their desired solutions, in this case staying open for business.

Blow up the deficit to cut programs they don’t like. Put incompetent corrupt pieces of shit in government to make people want to shrink government.

Oh man, I hadn’t even thought about this. Can’t even imagine how insane things would have gotten.


Can’t fix stupid. Even by knocking on a lot of doors.

This one’s easy to solve, I got this. OK, look, teachers are mostly poor, right? What is our entire country built on?

Right, so first we’re going to take all of their accrued sick days. Then we’re going to make them take unpaid leave to quarantine. Nobody outside their immediate family will give a flying fuck that they get sick and some of them die, and we’ll just do whatever has to be done to keep schools open because we have to keep schools open. Why do we have to keep schools open? Because poor people need them so their kids have someplace to go while they work. What are we going to do, let the poor work from home? Pay the poor to stay home and stay safe? Let me refer you back to our basic national principles:

Right, so fuck that, they’ve gotta work for their $7.25 an hour, no handouts here! If they die, they die.

With Love of “freedom” and money,
The United States of America


Ya none of this opening schools up is going to work. Like what about school busses that are packed with kids? Going to be difficult to get the kids to do any amount of social distancing on them. And the school bus drivers who when I was in school they were always old…basically prime candidates to die from Covid.

lol who am I kidding. School bus drivers are poor. The idiots making the decisions don’t give a single fuck about them.

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The nationwide positivity rate was over 9% today. A month ago it was roughly 5%. Also isn’t it going to be much harder for hospitals to actually staff ICUs with 30-40 states all raging at once? All the beds in the world don’t matter if you run out of competent nurses and respiratory therapists.

Well you better hurry up with that, suzz! That potential immunity won’t last forever.

Disclaimer: I am NOT encouraging COVID-chasing behavior. I’m making a joke. Do NOT try to get COVID-19, people. I don’t think I have to say this here, but most of us are Americans, so who the fuck knows?

Yea but dude, you live in Florida. I did too in 2016. We knew Trump supporters were bananas back then. No one was really willing to knock on some door and explain to a Deplorable that Trump is a fucking moron that cannot be trusted. Best case scenario is having the door slammed shut in your face. Worse case scenario is “cuserounder lives matter” is a thing.

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Wait what? I have been assured kids can’t spread Covid! How is this possible?