COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Looks like yesterday’s death toll wasn’t much of an outlier. Deaths have tended to be high at the start of the week and go down each day. We are following that trend now, just starting a day late.


Overall my breathing is the best it’s ever been and I suffer from allergies. Conjecture that a low random cold virus load to fight keeps my system in better shape and less allergy reactive. But just a guess.

On the other hand every cough and sniffle I wonder if this is it…


Yup. Today and yesterday are the highest death totals since June 11th. Monday was actually an increase from the previous Monday as well.

Louisiana governor pretty much doing jack shit at a statewide level, citing that all the most populous areas are under local mask mandates. Think he’s under the impression he’s burned all his political capital and is going to rely on mayors to do anything from here on out.

In that vein, New Orleans kind of rolling back to phase 1.5. No indoor seating at bars and any gatherings limited to 25 people down from 100. Those things probably never should have come back, but it’s something.

I friend of ours has a very intelligent 5 year old boy who has been quarantining and he sneezed a few times. He asked mommy if he should get tested and not seem papa this weekend. Smarter than our guberment at age 5.


Had a guy I worked with who had a dry cough in February which lasted for a few months. Said he also had a hard time breathing and was out of breath a lot. Don’t thInk it was the virus but something was going around.


We did it! USA! USA! USA!


The real Orange county. With luck you guys will catch up

My gf is a teacher and I guess it depends how it looks come fall? Province here still not sure what measures to take.

Which one has had a movie named after it? Case closed.

Orange County, Vermont has only 10 active COVID cases.

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Possible good news if you had a cold for flu recently.

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As usual, Danspartan always ahead of the curve


Most colds are caused by rhinoviruses, coronaviruses cause a small percentage.

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They keep saying got to open for kids mental health, which is understandable, but does this mean republicans are against home schooling now?

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Are there any mild coronavirus caused colds? Seems safer and faster to give the entire world a minor cold than wait for a safe vaccine.

Yes. Based on zero research, that angle is being thoroughly investigated.

Still hoping that weird 3-4 week cough I had back in Dec. is gonna help if I catch covid.


Kids mental health is going to be terrific with school staff getting sick right and left and some dying.

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