COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I usually hear the opposite argument.

DeSantis and Trump pondering if Purple Hearts are in Order for all those infected villagers .

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Sorry for sounding aggressive as I agree with mostly everything else u posted.

A bleach-based cure to boot. Jesus.

At what point are we on a bad enough trajectory nationally that the ethical option is to just start handing out vaccines that haven’t been through testing yet? Because it seems like we’re headed for that territory.

Interesting. I had severe coughing fits back in February. Like gasping for breath coughing for 2 min and then I would be fine for a few hours. Also had a fever. It all went away after a week except I would still cough from time to time for 2-3 months. Never been tested for covid.

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I just don’t see that as reasonable unless the virus mutates and the fatality rate increases tenfold.

Yeah, starting a week from Monday…

“They claim to support Black lives, but their business model functions by exploiting Black labor — passing off pennies as ‘living wages’ and pretending to be shocked when COVID-19 sickens those Black people who make up their essential workers,”

26-year-old McDonald’s worker in Oakland, California, and leader in the Fight for $15 and a Union, said she and several co-workers tested positive for COVID-19 after employees weren’t initially provided proper protective equipment.


Sounds like what I, my wife and son had around the same time. May have been Covid, but as far as we know, spread was still limited in Feb, so likely was just the strain of flu running through the country then

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I’ve been tested 2x personally, both negative. I’ve used my asthma pump more times recently than I have in 10 years. Idk? Saharan dust? My allergies suck lately too.

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I’ve had shortness of breath since last Thursday. Better today so far. Got tested Friday morning. Negative. Chalking it up to anxiety right now but never had shortness of breath from anxiety.

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If contracting it and recovering doesn’t confer much immunity, what are the chances that a vaccine will?

I’ve very rarely had allergy problems but this year for some reason has been bad. I wake up every morning with a bit of nasal congestion and a minor sore throat. It’s been going on for months now, even when the air quality is supposedly good and pollen counts are very low.

Oh yeah, I barely got in for a test with shortness of breath because of not having other symptoms. My morning allergy/weed cough prompted her to call me back and get me on the test list. “You coughed while I was talking to you.”

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60k is possible.

Currently at 49.5k sans much of California, Dallas, Houston, Washington (state), Arkansas, Nebraska, and Idaho.

It’s going to be a close one.



I’ve had the flu. This definitely wasn’t that unless it was a mild case. I also had a flu shot in December. But I have NEVER coughed as hard as I did back in February. So damn weird. :man_shrugging:

I had that back in November. Got to the point I took all the cough syrup I had, I didn’t care if it killed me.

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That is not unpossible.

That was the day they learned COVID-19 was immune to lightning.

They would not learn of its immunity to radiation until after The Last War.

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