COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


Ty u for everything Will!

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Matt Yglesias article on schools reopening:


  • Virtual learning has not worked well and students are falling way behind.
  • The CDC’s plan is pretty lol.
  • There are ways to make it work but it would require $$$ and school districts are broke so…

That is complete BULLSHIT.


Barbara Hemingway was also pretty mad about the golf cart rally getting spoiled by one bad apple.


He has since been fired. But there is a chance he could be hired as a WH advisor if he moves fast.

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He really does feel threatened, is the saddest part.


Racist nationalistic t-shirt, wrap-around shades worn upside down behind the head, flip-flops. Little on the nose don’t you think, writers?

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Me being itt and treating Covid as a realty is about as accurate as comparing French schools reopening to ours here. U have a 3 month head start on me but u are still looked upon as the village idiot. Imagine if I had joined when u did? U are not worth the time it takes to type this. I feel for your children and hope therapy is an option for anyone that is forced to love with u. As a closing note to our correspondence, have u considered therapy? If not for u to bet better personally, but to be a better dad? People can get better . They do change but it takes effort and help.

Anyone notice how the same people crying about “cancel culture” are those defending the carceral system?

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An adjective borrowed directly from Late Latin, carceral appeared shortly after incarcerate (“to imprison”), which first showed up in English around the mid-1500s; they’re both ultimately from carcer, Latin for “prison.”

Learn something new every day.


There are other bugs out there. I’m part of a group of 5 friends that have had severe to light coughs for 2+ weeks. I’m one of two still coughing . I’m ok but have severe breathing problems 2-3 times a day. We have had seven tests between us , all negative. I plan to see a Dr early next week if I don’t kick it. The bug I mean .

My tongue turned white about 3 weeks ago, no other symptoms and no tests done which often happens when I’m about to be sick. Figured it had to be covid at the time since Im mostly isolating with my wife and sister and only going out to pick up food and walk the dog. Can’t catch a cold doing that I figure. White tongue disappeared after 7 days, think it could just be a flare up of a disease I’m a carrier of too. I didn’t isolate any more than I was.

Trump threatening to defund schools that don’t have in person instruction.

It’s never about states’ rights. It’s always about cruelty.


It’s a little unfair to compare this to a normal hospital - this facility is used to house long-term involuntary psychiatric patients, so it’s more like a prison.

I’m sure there are some unique challenges trying to keep this population safe. On the other hand they surely have a lot lower turnover than a regular hospital.

FL church raided by cops

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Isn’t this data somewhat unreliable, if not manipulated possibly? How does it factor in mortgages due on say the 15th? I think a better metric would be to survey a month on the 30th and see what % hasn’t paid or is partial.