COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Probably good for a 2-3% STONKS bump at least.


Canada is rolling at <300 cases per day and I’m not sure how people feel about schools reopening

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There is one local nursing home that has a severe outbreak. About an hour ago it was struck by lightning and is on fire. You can’t make this shit up.


It really is sobering when you start thinking of every 1000 new confirmed cases as roughly 50 deaths. Florida might have just registered 500 eventual deaths today.

Maybe not for the leading edge of this wave of youngs. But if the further generations catch up, which could be the people registering as new cases now, we could go back to ~5% CFR.


Apparently it needs to happen a very close friend for family member needs to either die or get very sick for it to register with a certain segment of the population. But even then, there’s anecdotes of people who’s dad died and they’re 50 still out there w/o a mask not caring.

Humans are hyper-social species, meaning we will put the tribe’s needs over our own lives on occasion. Goateed wrap-around shades Harley-riding Doug is out there diving onto a grenade for his party.


everything we have been saying here pretty much.


Why does not me reporter yell out “ Jesus knows your lying doing Satans work “

In what possible universe is this enforceable?

Just unmitigated stupidity around the world when it comes to Covid. Want people not to scream on your coasters?


I’m as angry as the next person, I’m at risk and I have loved ones at risk. But this is on us, too. Very few people in this country did jack shit to keep us from getting into this situation. I didn’t knock on doors in 2016, I didn’t give money to HRC, I didn’t phone bank for her, I didn’t do shit other than vote. I knew the risk Trump posed. So it’s on me. And now my life is at risk along with a bunch of others as a result, and I deserve it. We almost all do.

We stood by and watched this country fail to live up to its supposed ideals. We blamed others and didn’t do much other than vote. I made some social media posts, aren’t I special? No, I sucked, and now I pay the price along with everyone else.

Is it fair that I have to be at a higher risk than the Maskless YOLO Hoax nutjobs? No. Was it fair when black people were being killed a decade ago and my privileged white ass was partying in college thinking voting for the good guys was enough to make me blameless? Fuck no, that didn’t absolve me of shit.

This is on us, too. The only way out of it is to roll up our sleeves, see to it that we win huge in November, then hold Dems accountable to us. In the mean time it sucks and we should rage at the GOP over this, but we can’t pretend we weren’t part of the machinery that led us to this moment in this way.


Well… that’s not good


My wife is still subscribed to the Issaquah nextdoor site, and they have a city-wide public mask requirement now in place.

Of course, the chodebreathers in Issaquah on Nextdoor have started howling about MUH FREEDUMBS again, but that’s to be expected in that cesspool (nextdoor, not neccesarily Issaquah)

I’m becoming convinced that most blue states are going to need mass death waves to get their house in order on COVID for good. If Washington goes for round two, we might as well all go back to normal and lick a doorknob cause this is never going away til there’s a vaccine, and even then 50% of people will exercise their freedom to literally be too stupid to live.

It’s OK to feel bad right now, and it’s OK to wish you’d done more in the past.

Every dollar you would have donated and every minute you could have volunteered would have been better spent supporting causes that better align with your beliefs.

I will never feel bad for not donating or volunteering for HRC. And neither should you.


I mean, I’ve given to better candidates in primaries, but keeping Trump out of office would have done more for my causes and for human life than all they other stuff combined.

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Great call to action and reminder for me that I have an obligation to myself, my children and my country to transform anger into action. Cuz yeah, I guffawed at Trump but I didn’t take him seriously. Figured HRC was a shoo-in. You are right, we had it coming and hopefully I get one more chance to set things right. And if I get that chance, I’ll have to stay vigilant for the rest of my days because our system of government is way easier to f*** with than I thought possible. When I was in grade school, I used to wonder, why did the Germans allow Hitler to come to power and do all of that evil s***? Now, I know better and must do better going forward.


I’m brainstorming things to feel optimistic about. Do you think that a rapid, reliable covid test could allow safe international travel again? If there was a one minute test that was highly reliable it seems like getting on a plane would be pretty safe.

Masks now required in Nashville area. Went to grocery store and was shocked all but one person was wearing them. I thought for sure there would be a lot more. It’s as if the government gives good guidance, people listen. :roll_eyes:

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The majority of people probably care about each other too. Covid became political when it was a chance to actually bring the country together.


Cuse, idk about you, but I did not expect Trump to get close to winning.

After he won, I assumed he would be caught doing illegal shit because he can’t help himself and is too stupid to cover it up. I did not expect the Republican party to willfully blind themselves once forced to confront the issue.

Once we saw the bodies pile up on the streets of NY, states started locking down. I did not expect evidence that mitigation was working to signal that mitigation was unnecessary.

Lamenting our lack of foresight in the past is wrong. We did not fail. We did what we should have. A couple hundred doors knocked upon would not have made a difference.

Now, though, the scales have fallen. The system failed, repeatedly, and it is time to work towards replacing it.

Amead is wrong. Most people are not “fine” with this. People are scared, and they’re starting to get angry.

We’re not going back to work until it is safe.
We’re not going back to work until it is safe.
We’re not going back to work until it is safe!

Fuck the vote. Get out the strike.

They can’t fire everybody; they’re admitting it by reopening when they know they shouldn’t.