COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I was ITT 3 months before Covid became a reality to you.

Not been out since 12 March so it’s real to me, buddy.

Pitchforks came out when I suggested that 700 French schools had been open since 15 May - wasn’t my decision, just making thread aware.

Now, with Trump’s recent tweets, I see why the pitchforks came out

I got 3 children (under 10yrs so ‘kids’ in UK#1) due back in school, first time since March on 2 September 2020. I will get fined £360 a week if they don’t attend. Do I like it? No. Am I the weirdo if everyone else sends them back, as they will? Yes. Have I done research and satisfied myself it’s the right thing to do? For them, yes.

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People are so fucking selfish. My wife’s friend, whose nanny and SON tested positive, is going away this weekend with her husband to an air bnb in Santa Barbara. She “just has to get away”.

This would not be OK even if someone (two people!) in their immediate vicinity hadn’t tested positive! What is so fucking difficult to understand?

This same woman has the fake therapy certification for her dog so they can take it places where it isn’t allowed.

We didn’t do enough to stamp out people like her. We deserve this.


Was talking with a work partner from NJ today. They had COVID like 6 weeks ago and the only symptom was a loss of taste/smell. They’ve tested negative three times over the last week. But have since now developed a cough which is obviously concerning. They call their PCP who says they can’t be seen unless they fucking fax them a copy of negative test results. LOL America man. Faxing something in 2020 is the only way to do it, can’t email/text/TikTok them over.

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I started making state level trackers just for myself to get easy updates of interest to me (where me / my extended family are) - WA / OR / AZ / UT. The spike in WA yesterday is ugh.


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I’m hoping Inslee does the right thing and starts rolling back phases. I’m in Thurston county and things are spiking here. After weeks of new case counts in the 20s per week, we hit 54 new cases last week, and we’re at 14 weekly cases already with only 2 days reporting :(.


This is very interesting, and it’s also great work. I know you’ve been frustrated, most understandably so, but I hope also that you’ve taken heart that the heartbreaking work you’ve put in is making a difference and saving lives.


It‘s 3. Don‘t gamble with your family‘s health for a stupid party.

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GA with 3,000+ new cases today. And it’s not even a new daily record for them.

We’re going to fucking catch New Jersey in a few weeks (in addition to catching COVID).

I know I’m responding to an article that quotes the president, but the issue is that if the numbers get bad enough, people will literally stop leaving their homes whether we’re OPEN FOR BUSINESS or not.


“now matter how bad things get, i will never do anything!” - florida man literally running for reelection rn


My roommate with the covid girlfriend finally got his stuff. She tested negative and is now back at work.

He even left me some tools and silverware and gave me $50 for a chair I forgot I owned so overall it was a pretty peaceful resolution to a situation I could have seen getting kind of ugly had his girlfriend tested positive. I wanted him nowhere near the property until he got the result.


Today is a lock to be the 3rd straight day of week over week increases in the number of deaths. So the 7DMA has now increased for 3 straight days. Is this the start of a new trend or just noise in the data from the 4th of July weekend? Hard to say but you would expect to start to see the deaths trend up soon as we are about 3 weeks from when we started to see the case numbers rise in mid-June.

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You fail to grasp this simple concept

We live in America where we have 60,000 cases a day

Whatever happens in your area of France has literally -0- to do with what happens here

So France sends kids back to school

If usa#1 was rolling at 3,000 cases a day no one would be railing against closing the schools

But we are at 60,000


No, WE didn’t. We chose to make personal sacrifices for the sake of public health.

A pack of narcissists and sycophants who need help attaching PDFs to emails decided our health wasn’t worth them making $2 million instead of $5 million this year, and their “free thinking” flock were happy to lap up being told they aren’t actually as dumb as so-called “educated” people told them they were.


No, he gets it now

Obviously I’m being hyperbolic, but every single state in the country, run by Democrats or Republicans, every single one of them traded increased cases and deaths for increased economic opportunity. From the reddest, to the bluest, “we have to open up the economy” and “we need to get people back to work” won the day.


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