COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I never knew it was called that but I think it’s pretty common for city dwellers in normal times. If I’m walking to and from the store, I’m hoping to get 6 bags maximum, preferably 4-5.

I think it more likely relates to a period when women didn’t have full time jobs and walked to the local shops every day for food and groceries for the family.

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It boils down to the chief political disagreement of America right now. The left cares about other people, the right does not.


The Evangelicals will be all about Halloween now even though it’s Pagan hell rituals.

What’s that? You were exposed to a deadly virus? Rub some dirt on it!

The Boomers

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If the situation was reversed, to what degree would you inconvenience yourself to comply with weird medical theories taken straight from QAnon? To what degree would you participate in pseudoscientific hoaxes to humor them? Would you think that you are harming them by indulging them when they are clearly wrong?

From their perspective, they probably think that you are being as harmful to your kids by isolating them as you would think someone else is being harmful by dosing their kids with hydroxychloroquine. The established Trump supporters probably also think you are punishing them for their politics by withholding your children.


This is pretty good insight into how they probably think.

First tweet o’ the day on 9/11.

Back to school, back to office, and colder weather for the trifecta!

Maybe we should just have one giant spin the bottle party and get this over with.


This kind of shit is why I’m taking my chances. We’re all going to be forced to roll the dice, doing so with more resources is better than doing so poor.

My office has been closed to the public except for non-avoidable situations for exactly 6 months today. I just had the conversation with my business partner about how long he wanted to keep this up. We are definitely losing money doing everything electronically. We haven’t made a decision yet but the fact there isn’t much hope for things getting any better for 6-9 months because this country is a shit show was discussed.


Yeah basically the GOP is like a toddler that throws a tantrum to get his way. Difference is, there are tens of millions of them and they’re grown ups.

But we definitely lost this one, and nothing is likely to get drastically better until late March at the best if Biden wins. That’s got to be in our calculus now.

Hygienists are so overwhelmed with tracing cases in the Czech Republic that cops and librarians are pitching in.

Mind you, other countries like Germany and The Netherlands have been doing this for a while now. So it isn’t that it’s so bad people in other professions are doing it. What’s bad is the fact that the government has only started doing it now.

The head government epidemiologist is projecting 4,000 cases/day in the near future.

That seems crazy to me. New York State has about double the population of Czech Republic, and our cases have been under 1,000 per day for months now. If you guys can let things get out of hand, it doesn’t bode well for the parts of the U.S. that currently have things somewhat under control.

It’s a shame because we took care of it very well during the first wave. Like every other country, we had a couple of speed bumps early on but being one of the first countries to embrace face masks and having near 100% compliance on every restriction put in place was a demonstration of what can be accomplished when everyone is united under one cause.

Unfortunately, that completely fell apart for political reasons. We were way too slow in implementing restrictions during the second wave and quite frankly it might be too late for masks to have a major impact. Now, we’re getting close to Spain and France in terms of how shitty things have become. As far as I’m concerned, it’s only a matter of time before pretty much anybody employed at or attending a school gets it.

Thankfully, hospitalizations have been extremely low relative to the increase in cases. Around 1% of new cases have resulted in hospitalization and less than a quarter of those are on machinery. Over 97% of the deaths have been people 55 or older. I’m sure over the next few weeks those numbers will change quite a bit though.

It’s almost like humanity hasn’t advanced enough to beat a virus.

Good early leads to relaxation of what’s working. You can fail early and then do well, like NYC… Or you can be the USA at large: YOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOAAAAXXXXXXXXX LICK A DOORKNOB GO TO A FOOTBALL GAME!!!

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Man this place is fucking aces. Been telling everyone I know to prepare for 18 months. Even family members in Healthcare looked at me like I’m nuts. Probably ponied, but Fauci says end of 2021 possible as far as way of life returning to normal. Yay science!


I’m just hoping you haven’t set yourself up for disappointment by hoping that your move to Canada would be the thing to wake some of these people up.

Perhaps I am too cynical, but I have long viewed most people as idiots whose stupidity is an obstacle to be worked around rather than see them as persuadables who can be converted to my way of thinking.

But I also believe in the value of family. I hope that some future relationship with your in-laws is salvageable. Maybe that’s more possible if you look at them with some sense of pity.

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Seems like a reasonable estimate to me too, based mostly on what I’ve picked up here. There are segments of the population for which it will likely never go all the way back though.

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Coming soon to a U.S. near you (though not ever tested for so maybe not).