COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Looks like the Czech Republic is gonna break their record for new cases in a day for the 4th consecutive day.

If the day ended today, it’d be the 4th worst day lf the pandemic. Should pass 1500 cases today.

I looked at Current safety measures - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response and it looks like gyms are limited to 10% capacity

That’s pretty fucking bad for such a small population. It’s basically where Britain was a week ago.

WOOO! Back to substantial!



blah, San Diego, too.

Yup. The number of active cases has doubled since the 1st of September.

7.23% positive rate over the last 7 days. Yesterday had not just the most positives total but also the highest positive rate for a day since the end of June.

Honestly it’s essentially America here now regarding covid. The PM is completely unwilling to do another lockdown due to the economic loss that would occur. He and his entire coalition have been playing down the pandemic, saying that nearly all of the cases are mild or asymptomatic not really referring to the death or permanent disabilities from it. I mean he clearly backed off on his desire to reduce testing when things got way worse. Epidemiologists are stating that the impact isn’t even due to open schools. So, things are going to get way worse before they get better.

And yet Ryan Day claims to not know anything about the B1G medical data used to shit done football. Bullshit. Willful ignorance. He could have called anyone at his own damn medical school if he wanted. I can’t believe if he asked his own AD/President they wouldn’t have suggested that.

Oh how I hate Ohio State.

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Turns out 30-35% was an understatement.

That letter from Day is ludicrous. I know we cancelled because of concerns of health and safety, why can’t our kids play PAAWWWWLLL??


I’m sorry to hear that, that’s tough for you guys.

“I’d rather die than admit I’m wrong”

This is going to be described like one of those dancing plagues from the Middle Ages. Just like 30% of the country decided they’d rather die than stay home and wear a mask, and they tend to be the wealthier and controlling class.

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People hate making sacrifices and when they’ve been dealing with shit for 6 months for seemingly no reason a slimeball who promises to make everything go back to the way it was can be pretty damn appealing.

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Jesus man I’m sorry. That’s really rough. The way Trumpism is splitting families sucks so much. And wtf at there being recently minted trumpers?! That seems…I dont even know.

What does this mean?

I’ve shopped for groceries when living in both continents and have not changed my technique in any way. I quickly get things and leave

I’ve seen people quickly progress in right wing insanity over the past year or so as well, but I’m not sure if they’re just more vocal or of it’s a newfound thing. The right wing propaganda and the qanon shit is scarily effective at grabbing weak minded people who want to feel smart.

Each day? That’s insane. There’d be lines out the door everyday if everybody in Europe did that. I max out 3 days/week and that’s because I don’t have a car to transport things in and a food shop less than 100 meters from my flat.

if you ever wondered why dems keep losing the messaging war. Well they lost the messaging war on a pandemic. You’d think hey don’t get sick and die would be a winning message but nope.

Since their is no middle ground where you can each give in a bit and compromise, people are inclined to polarize and adopt extreme positions. Being extremely rigid has helped you maintain your discipline. Being extremely rigid in the other direction enables them to avoid cognitive dissonance.

I’m not surprised that they are acting the way they are. I’ve spent decades studying how people think, so I can’t bring myself to be too emotional about how people have been acting during the pandemic.

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Yeah, that’s an absurd idea of Europe that goes back about 50 years before the advent of supermarkets.

I think it’s weird that doing things the "European way " is the ideal in America for so many things.

Americans gonna miss America when they have to max out their credit cards to gas up a rental car the European way.