COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I took programming classes all through high school. It started with basic and we were doing c++ by the end. Maybe I was just dumb at that point and it would be easier now but it seemed like a ton of work to get a computer to do the most menial tasks.

Are programming languages that much easier 25 years later?

Better hack into trumps Twitter account.

I’m finding the cuse discussion on living expenses interesting and figured it’d be interesting enough to have a separate thread and see what others are paying:

UP Living Expenses Thread


What could you say that even matters? Like let’s say you had 5 mins to tweet some stuff out to try to ruin his re-election chances?

I’d @ someone on his campaign as if it was supposed to be a DM and say something like “Can you believe all these idiots and losers in flyover country actually think I care about them? Sad! Like I’d ever spend a minute in Iowa! And don’t get me started on these dumb evangelicals! Jesus Christ did I grab them by the pussy and make them my bitch!”


gonna need the deets on this, whats it about and when can i read it?

For i in range(1,100)
If i % 3 == 0 and i%5 == 0:
Elif i%3 == 0:
Elif i % 5 == 0:

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If that’s all it takes maybe I should do some contract work until I find a job

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A thread on different posters’ costs of living, jobs, lifestyles, etc. could be interesting

Also a fizzbuzz thread


I tried to do some basic on my C64 in high school. Got so frustrated with unhelpful syntax errors that I didn’t pick up programming again until I was 29. True story.

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It’s a coming-of-age story about a thirty-something accountant named Chris Moneygenerator who luckboxes his way into the WSOP and ultimately wins the title.




“There is something we can do regarding the state of our planet right now. We can hold a collective healing presence for the Coronavirus or covid19. By bringing to mind all the healing power within us to surround every seed and cell of the earth we can send healing energy to the pandemic. When we feel overwhelmed with the state of our earth, we do not have to suffer the feelings of being alone and vulnerable. We can hold the healing presence of light for our earth. Right now.”

Wow. The healing light within me might save the world from this gruesome pandemic, and it only takes ten minutes. I might try it, after I’m done browsing porn.


I think I found it on Craigslist. It wasn’t easy to convince the landlord to overlook my lack of references but some extra upfront cash smoothed things over.

I’m amazed by the price, more than anything else.

Florida reopening bars September 14th, lol. This state is fucked.

How much reopening? Like full indoor capacity?

My wife thinks the world will never be the same after all this, that we won’t be going to concerts or movie theaters safely even 10 years from now. Wild times. Glad I don’t own a gym or concert venue.

You’ll have at least seven minutes leftover. Stars have been born in less.

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DMV trip went well. Only took like 40 mins from beginning to end and I didn’t have to do a written test.

There was an initial line outside to direct people where to go or to explain to the ones without an appointment that they need to show up at 7am to get a number, and maybe get in line for that at 5am (this is how we crush the poors). You show the outside person your appointment info and get temperature screened and then get a “screened” sticker and a call number (k33) and can enter the building (mask required).

About 20 employees and 30 customers inside and they called out numbers. Waiting chairs about 6-8 ft apart. My number took about 10 minutes. Showed the lady hard copies of my SSC and uploaded docs, they took my thumbprint, i signed the application form info that i filled out online, paid $37, then got sent to the photo line. Photo guy’s comp froze and he had to reboot, so photo took like 10 mins. Unmasked for photo, obv. Back to initial lady and she gave me a temp paper license and i was done.

I was of course worried about exposure, but the employees obv have 100x more daily interactions than me. They must must be dealing with some shit, not to mention stress.

Anyway, successful DMV trip assuming I wasn’t pozzed. Was in Long Beach btw.


I think 50%.