COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


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There are a few political in-road jobs cuse could take if he were willing to adjust his lifestyle for a chance to one day write speeches and liberal propaganda. Can’t help but fantasize…

Only if you’re talking about moving to a super low cost of living state, and in most of those I’d be unhappy.

Rent I could cut, health insurance is already a low-mid level ACA plan. Food and household I could cut but I eat a lot of fresh produce, luxury? Perhaps but for health.

Cable/Internet I could cut by maybe $25/mo. I have the fastest connection due to online poker. But I do have a few extra sports/news channels.

Cell phone I’m on my parents’ family plan and pay them for my phone. I could get cheaper probably.

Car insurance I shopped hard for, it’s expensive in PA. This was the lowest price by far.

Gas depends on how far I have to drive for any job in question.

What are you thinking? Like an entry level organizer gig? I seriously considered it a month ago, if the move went more smoothly I might have done it.

I’d have to look back, I just keep my eye on jobs throughout a bunch of industries for writers or communications strategists. I remember thinking they looked excellent as a first step for your skills and where you eventually want to be, but my impression at the time was you were only interested in continuing as a poker pro or automatically being hired to write for Obama. If you like, I will pass on a listing if I see something going forward that could fit you.

I spend $820/mo for a well kept 1 br in a middle class neighborhood adjoining Chicago.

Lol Berwyn.

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I pay $600/mo for half of a 4br house in the fucking hood.


It’s north of the city and nicer than Berwyn. I’m not terribly familiar with Berwyn, but I’d call it working class.

I am a javascript (front end web) specialist more or less. I’ve never done any formal coding anything. I got my first “senior” role with 1 year experience in 2013 with like 85k base and now um make more than double that total comp wise. Which puts me in the 0.1% of college dropouts/former full tilt poker 100nl regs I would guess. Bootstrapzzzz.


My gf in college was from Berwyn and also Welsh - which I assume the nam Berwyn is. She always made fun of Berwyn, and would point out she only lived one block from Oak Park. All her uncles were garbagemen. Very working class.

There’s a potential future, not a likely one or anything, where dems take the senate and pass a slew of voting rights bills, which results in the Republican Party as we know it just completely disappearing. So that’s kinda my favorite part of the inso “actually trump has been fine on the pandemic” line. Trump fucked up so bad that there’s a real chance he completely killed inso’s preferred political party, but like, he’s still gotta be inso.

Also like, if there was any single democratic politician that conservatives would be comfortable voting for, its Biden. Just ridiculous that they won’t.


I feel like launching a coding career later in life might be one of those things like hallucinogens, or Burning Man. IE - if one isn’t drawn to it, it might not be right for them.

Somehow I see Cuse as more verbal. Politics or freelance writing or something feels right.

I’m not kidding about the prolific writing. I have 200k posts or so across a half dozen boards, and I’m in awe of Cuse’s writing stamina. It might sound like I’m making fun of how voluminous and frequent his posts are. But that’s fuel that could go toward earning some $$.

I think Joe Posnanski is the best sports writer going. In addition to several gigs where he cranks out multiple pieces a week – the dude still has a personal blog where he throws up 15k-word pieces for fun. I respect the hell out of that.



I thought that would be the next guess, but no.

Thanks, this was a fun little distraction for 15 mins. My only formal training consists of writing my own EasyUO scripts 20 years ago for afk macroing in Ultima Online. I googled Python syntax and put this together for you.


Professionals can probably do it in half as many lines.

The COVID lockdown was the greatest opportunity for kids to hit YouTube and learn to code their way into the top 1% of earners.

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Really hoping I’m not about to ruin the UP no pozz run. My mom has not been feeling great for a couple of weeks, and we thought the culprit was a change in blood pressure meds. She went to get tested yesterday as she was having shortness of breath and bowel irregularities. Awaiting results. I’ve had some chest discomfort and difficulty breathing the past two days. Short of breath. I’m able to take a satisfying deep breath when needed but it’s a chore. My Oxygen level has been between 95 and 98. Slight, occasional cough.

Exposure risks have been extremely small. Once a week PT where I’m double masked and the therapist wears a Kn95. A few doctors appointments where COVID precautions were as good as they get. Immediate family exposure daily, but we’re all taking top 95 percentile precautions.

My plan right now is to isolate while we wait for my moms test result in 2-5 days. If my Oxygen drops to 92 I’ll call my primary or urgent care.

Sure would be nice to have competent federal leadership. I’m going to be on a war path of rage if I somehow caught covid after 7 months of extreme precautions and isolation while the rest of the country is going about life as normal and the majority of assholes get by unscathed.


I’m gonna guess Wilmette then because you might be like me and don’t consider Skokie or Lincolnwood, or Evanston, actual suburbs (the CTA goes there, it’s Chicago).

I noticed about 2 weeks ago that my CA driver’s license expired about 6 months ago. That can be bad mojo for various things, including travel. Also, it turns out there’s a law where by around Oct. 2021 everyone gonna need a “real ID” driver’s license to fly. This means they need verify your identity with like a birth certificate or passport.

Tuesday I logged onto the DMV site and they let you upload the documents before an appointment. So I had to upload pic of social security card, birth certificate, and gas and electric bills (the latter to verify residence). Using this “pre-upload” gave me an appointment code and apparently the process will be simpler.

However, I now need to take hard copies of everything and head to the DMV and probably take a photo and written driver’s test because my last in-person renewal was more than 15 years ago.

So, while I’ve been sheltering pretty hard, today I’m headed to the DMV and am hoping everything goes reasonably smoothly and that I don’t get pozzed.

[CA has extended some renewals and instructed cops not to make a big deal out of expired licenses, but I need to get this taken care of in the next couple of months and now may be a better time than later.]

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