COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I didn’t think it was possible for people’s response to this COVID debacle to get any more stupid Or infuriating, but here we are, INTENTIONALLY USELESS MASKS!

The giant meteor can’t get here fast enough.


The writers are really stepping it up in the final act.

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USA #1!!! We are like the guy who hit the Mega Millions slot in 1945 and then spent the last 75 years blowing it all back at the Willy Wonka slot because ITS FUNNNN.


Things always get a little farfetched later in the series. We can’t be too hard on them.


This guy is bad umpire and a covidiot. Go figure. I’m a already nominating him for a Darwin Award. Given his body type, traveling and time around all the other baseball folks he is highly likely a goner by fall.


I remember folks in my ex-in-law family that had a fake seat belt that didn’t actually buckle back in the 80s. It just looked like it.

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go dammit, another grift I didn’t think of.

Someday I’m gonna think of something to make me rich off the backs of these idiots

Somehow it’s even stupider than this analogy. It’s like the guy finds a million dollars and when everyone tells him he should invest the money and live comfortably the rest of his life, he scoffs, people insist, and he finally decides to comply with their request by “investing” it all in scratch-off tickets.

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Definitely supports the theory that this is starting with young people hitting the opened bars and works its way to the older people.

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It’s almost like someone here has been screaming this every other day for three weeks now.


The cracks are definitely showing on the frontlines of all this. DEATHS ARE DOWN! Is the new rallying cry, but as others have stated, there’s gonna be no denying reality in a few more weeks.

I used to get a kick out of going back and dunking on every absurd claim (one guy wanted to bet me we’d never see covid deaths greater than the flu) but kind of got tired of it. They always find a new reality to glob on to.


Well, this might make you rich, but the cost won’t be borne by the “backs of these idiots.” The cost will be paid by others. This is one grift-bus you can feel OK about passing you by,

yeah. But I’ve been bitter about this since the Trumpy bears


I’ve been hearing a lot of the Joe West line lately. They just don’t think that CV is as bad as everyone makes it out to be. The data is ridiculous they say, don’t bother showing them any numbers. 130k deaths? Those people would have died anyways.

I expect this line to become even more prevalent.

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C’mon, no sane person could’ve seriously come up with the Trumpy Bears. And they don’t try their hardest to spread disease (I don’t think).

Oh that’s been going on for a while. There’s a few different camps of people out there.

The ones that irritate me the most are the ones that somehow are able to hold the idea that covid is a hoax, but also still manage to post stuff like articles about how the Mexicans are bringing it over across the border.

To which I replied:

Remember guys, covid is a hoax, but also - it’s the Mexicans.

Was one of my most liked replies ever


the fake bricks was probably the GOAT grift, tbh.

at least those were virtual.

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I don’t know how anyone lives there - sounds like anarchy to me


(cyclist will do - bicyclist is not a real word in my universe)


I was not aware any cyclist stopped for any traffic signal anywhere, ever. News to me.