COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Texas popped 10k for the first time and we are headed for 900 deaths for the first time since a month ago. Deaths I thought were over though so this is weird?


Try fitting a cubic curve through the data and see if that fixes it.


What do you guys think the right wing reality deniers will pivot to once DEATHS ARE OVER proves to be just as false as their other 10 Covid talking points?

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Uh oh.

99% of people survive is and will continue to be the talking point, even if we log another 100K deaths in the next month


Would have been 2 million if Trump hadn’t built that fence on the border with China.

I mean 3 million.

I mean 4 million.

I mean 100 million.


Article indicates in addition to the 63 resident deaths there were 102 non-resident deaths.

Is there a good source for all non-resisent deaths over time?

I promise I’m not busting your balls I want to send this to my Trumpy parents.


Will be pretty tired by the end of July imo. Not that they won’t try.

Yes would be interesting if the total is typically 1.6X the resident death tally.

No idea honestly, I just found it from that article.

Florida Reporting on 7/7
Total Deaths 3841
Daily Deaths 63

Florida Dashboard
Total Resident Deaths is 3841
Total Non-Resident Deaths is 102

Dashboard only shows 7 deaths for 7/6 but the total resident deaths ties to worldometers and I’ve seen the 63 reported in other places as well, I’ve always assumed the FL Dashboard was the source of worldometers. Not sure why the daily cases/deaths differ. Total cases tie as well, but the daily cases are off by 14.


Those people were old and going to die anyways!

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Lol, that article has poor use of commas.

The chart showing average age of confirmed infection is interesting.

Probably subject to ridiculous massive statistical bias, but increasing from 33 two weeks ago to 40 now is significant, and probably an important leading indicator of deaths.


Teh playbook is not obscure or difficult to understand.

The Republican Prayer

  1. That didn’t happen.
  2. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
  3. And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
  4. And if it is, that’s not my fault.
  5. And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
  6. And if I did…you deserved it.

Once we move to 6, they will say it’s the protestors fault. They have already moved in that direction, anything that allows the party of personal responsibility to blame anyone but themselves.


I major problem I see it n SC is POEM. (% of effective masks) I’m.not anti mask, just not pro intelligence in this lovely state of ours. I’d guess POEM is ~ 25% rn which helps but if the other 75% think they are Teflon as it dangles around their necks or leaves the nose exposed, the effect maybe negligible.

Apologies if posted already. This seems worse than not even wearing a mask.


First I’ve seen. Definitely anyone who wears one of these deserves the virus and the guillotine.