COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Cite please.

I’m James Bates. That’s helpful. Guess I can stop quarantining


Where does John Bradshaw Layfield fit into the JB theory? Is he safe, or going to eat it from the Covid?

But how can be things be getting worse when Santa Clara County was approved to reopen next Monday?

Universal is the same, and they’ve been open for a month.

I’m assuming they think if they don’t know an employee is positive, they can’t be held liable if anyone gets sick on the property.

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His real initials are JCL and corona doesn’t give a fuck about kayfabe.

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Justin Bonomo.

Bastard! You mean a pro wrestler knowingly lied to us?

Oh fucking hell.



“When we take X-rays of kids, even if they don’t have symptoms, there are changes in the lungs,” Alonso said. “We have no idea what the long-term damage will look like.”

Further, she said, two children in the county have been diagnosed with multisystem inflammatory syndrome, a potentially fatal disease. Two 17-year-olds and a child under the age of 14 have died elsewhere in the state, health officials reported.

Data shows that the virus is continuing to attack children. A eye-popping 29 percent of the 1,083 children under the age of 18 who have been tested in the county learned they have the disease, she said.

Sure let’s open her back up and send the little tikes off to school in August with no concrete safety plans in place.

What could possibly go wrong?

What do we have to lose?

Hospital admissions in the county have also increased steadily in the last month with more patients requiring treatment in intensive care units, she said. On June 23, 15 percent of patients were in intensive care. On Monday, the number had doubled to 30 percent.

Yep, perfect timing.




690 deaths so far today.

I went yesterday, also lots of precautions but much better than not going to the dentist for like a year+.


(for blacks, freedom for rednecks)

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I also do not anticipate a federal coronavirus vaccination mandate, but that’s because the authority to require vaccination lies with the states.

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I get Medicare. I wonder if I’ll be able to get a vaccine if I’m living in a state that doesn’t require it.

sorry, couldn’t resist


i think with the backlog of tests and all the labs being closed over the weekend we won’t see 60k today or tomorrow. Otherwise we would have, probably on Friday we will