COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Narrator: lol yah right




If you test them they might turn out to have Covid. Think how bad that would make Trump look!


Just a heads up… :point_down:

I regret to inform our posters than the President of Brazil wouldn’t succumb to Corona, it’s a old rule that has never let me down I use wrt all the J.B’s in the world today…

James Bond
Jack Bauer

These people do not die, ever.


I’m extremely frustrated with that announcement yesterday. My gf is a 5th grade teacher. We’re waiting on an update from the county to see if they mandate masks for students and teachers, if not I’m going to try to get her to quit her job until next year.

Going back to school in person is insane to me, I really can’t believe the timeline we’re living in currently.


Exactly :+1:


Looks like we’re gonna have two-term Joe Biden.


In talking with some of the trumpy people I know, the right is more shook than people are generally acknowledging about COVID. It’s not a deep dent in Trump’s popularity, but a visible one. And Trump has no margin in a (legit) election.

The question is whether it can be buried by November. Trump has consistently needed a few weeks during major issues to find a footing from which he can claim victory, which the right gleefully rallies around.

But he seems to have no good messaging on COVID. It’s very plausible this does him in. (Politically, at least.)


Wall of text, TL/DR. Also LOL at ending military air strikes! The horrible radical agenda!

ETA: But ending ICE is pretty radical. What will we use to chill our drinks before we kick the doors?


:speak_no_evil:. :point_left:


Yup. I said it in the Trump thread, but even for Republicans who believe this is all everyone else’s fault, Trump is making clearer by the day that he is incapable of righting this ship.

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Utter insanity

Like, what the fuck good is a union if they can’t get the company to agree to test their employees before going back?

Depending on the exact facts, yeah, kind of sounds like it could be.

DisneyCOVID+, just $6.99/month.


63 resident deaths. 102 non-resident deaths.

Edit: Was off by 3 on the non-resident deaths. Source: Over 7,300 new Florida coronavirus cases reported Tuesday; 63 new deaths

Went to the dentist today, not because things are all better, but because they’re getting worse, dental hygeine is essential, and they have been in operation for a month without killing people, at least as far as they know. And, they’re taking a ton of precautions. Masks required for temperature check and interview at the door. Gotta swish with diluted hydrogen peroxide for a full minute when you get in the chair (not pleasant!), staff now all in gowns and with face shields on top of the usual masks, no final polishing so as to prevent aerosols. But, I’ve got clean teeth. Guess we’ll see in a couple weeks if I also have the rona. First time I’ve been inside a building other than my home since the first week of March.