COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Omg we have them



Welp, apparently my sister and BIL went to a funeral for his best friend’s dad and two people who went tested positive for COVID. They never mentioned they went, they just found out about people testing positive two days ago and I saw them between when they went and when they found out.

Oh and my sister has been sick all weekend and has chronic asthma.

Good times.


MLS is back! Great timing.


This would be comical if the consequences weren’t so severe.

858 new cases in Oklahoma today. The previous high was 585.


GOP now openly stumping for Biden?

Do they actually believe people will see this as a negative?


Alot of people are really frustrated with having their kids at home and will accept a false promise that its safe to send them back.


In states that have the virus somewhat contained I can understand the sentiment, but to open every school nationwide because of a tRUmp mandate is beyond irresponsible, it’s plain gross negligence.

This. It actually isnt the worst GOP idea, as horrifying as it is to say that.

I’m not sure how to break this to you, but the GOP leaning part of the electorate is willing to swallow obvious lies if they are convenient, and will disregard obvious truths of they are inconvenient

S.C. Numbers:
934 new cases (way down—but don’t get excited)
20.7% positive rate (Yup—just a drop in testing due to holiday weekend)
19 deaths
1324 hospitalizations (Big jump after it was flat yesterday)

Anecdotal but people are starting to treat it more seriously again, Id expect Rt to drop but it could be days before we know for sure, and I doubt it drops below 1 because most people are still dumb and no one here wears masks

Averaged +40 hospitalizations per day over the past 15 days; even if that rate doubles over the next 15 we wouldn’t use up half the beds currently available. I don’t foresee S.C. running out of beds (maybe individual hospitals)

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I think a huge percentage of the base will see it as a bunch of entitled fucks, whose job could be done by someone off the street, going on strike because they’re scared and/or lazy.

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AFAIK there are a fair number of non-GOP slappies who also think schools should open. Of course, they want that with massive safety protocols that will never happen.

My Fox News mainlining FIL almost blew his top when he heard DeSantis and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran were ordering all public schools K-12 open in August.

His exact words were, “What are they, stupid?”

I don’t discuss politics with him so I had to bite my tongue.


We have multiple family members on my wife’s side that work in the school system, so it’s probably only because this could effect him in some way that his perception differs from the rest of the cult.

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As the carnage progresses and the bodies pile up the sheer number of people hurled from the cults vehicle to feed the anti reality field will grow.

This isn’t me saying these people are going to be changed by the experience of being set up by their own tribe to die to a contagious disease, but it might change their voting behavior short term.