COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I got tested Friday morning, and still do not have results.

Trip report. Get tested today. My first test was a half mile from my house 3 weeks ago. Yesterday I did the virtual exam and that location is no longer testing, in S.C. no less in a buried county. I had to drive 25 minutes and there was no wait. 2 min transaction if y’all wanna see. They promised results today where as the first test was 5-6 days.

Looks like maybe AZ and TX deaths are starting to trend upward.

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one timeee


I hadn’t looked state by state but Arizona and Texas do have clear upward trends over the past couple of weeks.

ETA-Right on queue Arizona comes in with 117 deaths far surpassing their previous high of 88.

If he dies Trump is going to claim the Chinese assassinated his friend using the Chinese Plague.

We swung and missed with Boris Johnson. Maybe we’ll connect for Bolsonaro.


I’m hoping for one more at bat.


Yeah and then not sanction them at all to appease lord dowjones

Where’s the like from Johnny? Also, Gabe Kaplan needs to put a stop to that.

Speaking of Gabe

I can’t find his email and his twitter doesn’t take messages. One of you regular twitterers mention or @ him or whatever and see if he’ll join Unstuck.


I feel like I’m losing my marbles because I would have bet a large amount that Bolsonaro already had the rona like a month ago

There were rumors and hope. Some people close to him tested positive.

From 22:

Anecdote cliffs from a friend of my fiancee’s on Facebook:

Tested positive 101 days ago. Symptoms started 112 days ago. She is still having symptoms. She is in the process of having half of her lung removed. She has a heart murmur and alarmingly high blood pressure for a healthy 28 year old. She’s had a fever and cough for all 112 days. She is struggling to walk to the mailbox without gasping for breath. She was never on a ventilator and has remained outpatient for all treatments.

I think his son even said that Bolsonaro had it. Quick google suggests that to be true, though the source for it was Fox news.

Fox would be inclined to lie in the other direction though.

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Yeah, I had to give up on an intercept article about it as it was just bonkers stuff about awful idiots, but seems like he did say it but who the fuck knows exactly why.

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Seeing a lot of conspiracy theories bolsonaro is faking it so he can say it’s no big deal and continue on saying it’s just the flu.

If he doesnt get sick at all that’s what I’m going with too.



@zikzak can we get some crab emojis to celebrate this special occasion?