COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Just in time for Disney to open in two days. They cut that pretty close.


ya, I only wear the masks indoors and never when I’m walking my dog

Sorry just indoors. Distancing fines everywhere else but enforcement of that is down unless it’s something egregious. I don’t wear mine walking my dog and just step on to the road when ppl pass.

Wear mask indoors or outside when within 10 feet of other person.

Conveniently they slide on and off pretty easily.

Just got swabbed. Not pleasant!


I got Covid tested last Thursday morning and still do not have results. My wife got tested at the same place 3 weeks ago and had results back within 24 hours. Anecdotally the nationwide testing slowdown seems to be a thing.

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The problem I have with this is that sliding my mask on and off constantly while in a public place should theoretically increase my risk of contracting Covid. I realize wearing a mask is for the benefit of other people but really dont want to be touching surfaces in public and then fussing with my mask.

I just left my mask on all day when out in the city. It was fine, I was only out for a couple of hours at a time so I would wait until I got home to wash hands or sanitize before touching my mask.

It was the same I’m my neighborhood, mostly no masks out and about. I went shopping in Kensington Market and masks were much more common in and out of stores.

Florida 7347 positive tests on 36,000 tests. 20.4% positive rate. Also a significant gain on last weeks Tuesday numbers in both cases and deaths.

Testing is down significantly?

By my count Florida today had 7350 positives on 35350 tests, or about 21% positive rate. Where is he getting14%

Last Tuesday they ran about the same number of tests so I would say testing is flat or maybe trending slightly down overall. It looks like they peaked out at about 60,000 tests a week and a half ago but they weren’t doing that every day.

Not that we didn’t know, but just another example of how contagious this thing is: in a group of 60 flight attendants who went in for training, 12 attendants and 2 of their family members have now tested positive. And this is in Hawaii, which has a pretty low level of background infections in the community relative to the rest of the US.

And we have no idea if they are collecting swabs and it’s reporting delay or what is really going on. I can’t believe less people are seeking tests.

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Why are you touching surfaces, though?

You can use a plastic bag (hand inside a ziplock, keep open in back pocket when not in use), a piece of paper (pack of post-it notes), or a small stick (eg, toothpicks) for almost every physical interaction, and of course there’s hand-sanitizer.

I’m thinking of situations where I am out for a purpose (think grocery shopping, pharmacy, etc.) These are the situations where I am more likely to be within 10 feet of other people.

It’s official


The important thing is to save the rapid turnaround testing for sports. I mean what is more important? Those hospital workers are dead already basically. Why waste a test?


Florida dashboard only reporting 3 deaths

Worldometers has them at 63. I’m going to guess that is a LOL Florida dashboard situation as they both have them at 3,841 total.

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