COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Now this is criminally negligent homicide, right?

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Can someone explain to me wtf a pony is


This womans behavior screams personality disorder, but I’m super biased towards seeing those people everywhere. I mean she basically killed her daughter and didn’t miss a beat on pivoting to the grift. Most people would be curled up in the fetal position in their bathtub trying and failing to drown themselves between massive crying jags… this lady is already in position to bask in all that glorious sympathetic attention.

She’s not going to face any criminal consequences because it’s Florida of course.


a horse of a small breed, especially one whose height at the withers is below 14 hands 2 inches (58 inches).


Slow pony - when somebody posts something itt that someone posted above


a horse of a small breed, especially one whose height at the withers is below 14 hands 2 inches (58 inches).


Good morning from central Florida

Perfect time to open Disneyworld!

By the times the rubes get the covid theyll be long gone from Orlando

Edit: maybe they are sneakily trying to keep people away

As one of the few Florida Men on this board, I feel somewhat obligated to try this with an umbrella if a hurricane hits this year.

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Yeah I don’t care that these guys are terrible people. These guys are my friends until the day after election day. That ad has a target audience of one and it absolutely preys on that audience.

The single thing that gives me the most hope is the Trump people’s total incompetence at real world stuff. I absolutely think they are going to try to steal this election, but I genuinely don’t think they have the ability to pull it off. That ad will rattle around like a pinball in Trumps head for days every time he sees it.


Dunno if this is bad news, slightly bad news, or just as expected, but this is a French study that went looking to see if recent exposure to other coronaviruses helped with catching and fighting COVID. It concludes that it didn’t.

your pony is too small of a breed. More like a pygmy equine

When I was a little girl in Poland, we all had ponies. My sister had pony, my cousin had pony. So what’s wrong with that?



Mandatory face coverings starting today in Toronto. No real legal teeth but people don’t know that and I expect compliance will be very high. Most people are fine with it - there’s a protest going around from the group that includes the broken finger lady that refused to wear a mask at the hospital. They were planning to meet up in a group and go maskless on public buses/subway. People snitched on them early and often and I expect there’ll be a couple white shirt cops waiting at their meeting spot today to break it up.

DeSantis got something to say:

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Is it for everywhere or just inside? I was in the city this weekend and very few people were wearing masks out and about.

Yes, that’s a great level at which to be stabilized. Kudos to Ron and all of Florida.

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Translation: I think our testing suppression mechanisms are finally in place.