COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL



What is the forum’s thoughts on mask wearing if someone has had covid and gets cleared via a negative test and has no symptoms a couple weeks later. Would u be doing it mostly to set a good example? It seems like u would be good prolly 3 months.

And to avoid scaring people. And looking like an asshole.

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I’m guessing this is pro mask, even after covid? I’m not sure where u are from but wearing masks scares most people where I live. Personally I’m a masker, it that’s not common round here.

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Hey cool, my old middle school district makes the news.

Ah, and my elementary school district as well

Melbourne (Australia) to go into six week lockdown per news sources. Had 191 new cases today (peak since outbreak). Still less than 1000 active cases. People can only leave homes for work, exercise, medical reasons.


imagine being that serious about covid, man USA #1 is a joke


Yep. I’m seeing single counties with more cases in a day than Melbourne (population 5m) has currently active that aren’t shutting down. I really empathise with the Americans on this forum forced to live in the wonderful land of the free (to get covid).


So Trump wants to open schools in the fall to create more brain-damaged future GOP voters?

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Data for SDI was caught up tonight through July 3. I’m guessing it will be around this time next week I’ll be able to update the SDI of the week of July 4. That data drop allowed me to complete my state/place SDI vs. new cases data for 6/24-6/30. I don’t have time to post the graphs right now, so I’ll just give a rundown of how everyone did during the 6/24-6/30 measurement period.

My hopes were largely confirmed with quite a few places increasing their SDI from the previous measurement week (I expect most places to go down from the 6/24-6/30 period for the 7/1-7/7 period). A bunch of places even returned to their target SDI guess for the first time in a minimum of 3 weeks. I’m posting all the stats in a dropdown menu below. Except when specified in the last set, the + or - is how many points the place rose or lowered 6/24-6/30 in SDI score.

SDI Summary of Various Benchmarks for 51 Places

Reached Target SDI 6/24-6/30 and How Many Weeks They Were Previously Under Target SDI in a Row:

Alabama (+5, 7 weeks), Arizona (+3, 5 weeks), Texas (+6, 4 weeks), South Carolina (+4, 4 weeks), Tennessee (+5, 4 weeks), New York (+1, 3 weeks), Utah (+3, 6 weeks), Mississippi (+6, 7 weeks), Minnesota (+3, 4 weeks), Oklahoma (+4, 4 weeks), Indiana (+3, 4 weeks), Missouri (+4, 4 weeks), Nebraska (+3, 4 weeks), New Mexico (+2, 4 weeks), Idaho (+3, 5 weeks), Connecticut (+4, 3 weeks), New Hampshire (+3, 3 weeks), Maine (+4, 4 weeks), Montana (+3, 6 weeks)

Higher SDI 6/24-6/30 (All Are Above Target SDI):

Louisiana (+5), Pennsylvania (+3), Colorado (+3), Kansas (+3), Delaware (+2), Wyoming (+2), Vermont (+2)

Higher SDI 6/24-30 (All Are Below Target SDI):

Arkansas (+5), Florida (+4), Georgia (+4), North Carolina (+1), Massachusetts (+3), Nevada (+1), Illinois (+2), U.S. Total (+3), Ohio (+4), Washington (+1), Iowa (+1), Wisconsin (+2), Michigan (+2), Kentucky (+4), Oregon (+2), South Dakota (+1), Rhode Island (+4), West Virginia (+4), North Dakota (+1)

Even SDI 6/24-6/30 (All Are Above Target SDI):

Virginia (0), Maryland (0)

Even SDI 6/24-6/30 (Below Target SDI):

New Jersey (0)

Lower SDI 6/24-6/30 (Above Target SDI):

D.C. (-1)

Lower SDI 6/24-30 (All Are Below Target SDI):

Alaska (-1), California (-2), Hawaii (-2)

Every Place Still Below Target SDI 6/24-6/30 (-x is how many points they remain below target SDI guess) and How Many Weeks They’ve Remained Under Target SDI in a Row:

Alaska (-3, 7 weeks), Arkansas (-1, 9 weeks), California (-7, 6 weeks), Florida (-2, 5 weeks), Georgia (-2, 5 weeks), North Carolina (-11 or -6, 9 weeks or 8 weeks), Massachusetts (-2, 5 weeks), Nevada (-1, 5 weeks), Illinois (-4, 5 weeks), U.S. Total (-3, 6 weeks), Ohio (-1, 6 weeks), Washington (-7, 5 weeks), New Jersey (-4, 4 weeks), Iowa (-5 or 0, 6 weeks or 4 weeks), Wisconsin (-4, 6 weeks), Michigan (-2, 4 weeks), Kentucky (-1, 6 weeks), Oregon (-3, 5 weeks), South Dakota (-2, 6 weeks), Rhode Island (-3, 5 weeks), West Virginia (-1, 7 weeks), North Dakota (-1, 7 weeks), Hawaii (-9, 5 weeks)

Well fuck.

At least now my 81 year old dad might listen when I say



Yeah I had to call my dad to remind him and he had the standard boomer whinge.

I’ve been in favour of this since well before COVID.



He still needs to figure out where to go to get it.

Meh, the kids were probably going to get brain damage anyway from all the tik toys and video games.

Yeah banning tiktok is huge on Reddit and I don’t really get it. Like yeah China is evil, and its clearly a data mining company. But from what I’ve read all they can really data mine is your phones hardware and network ID etc. Which I don’t see how that can be used against you unless you work for a company with sensitive information/government. Seems like facebook is 100x worse than tiktok for your average user.

Also why hasn’t a decent competitor to facebook popped up? I feel like a ton of people would switch if there was something similar but not as evil.

Modi banned TikTok last week because he and China are having fun posturing at one another at the moment, and I doubt there’s more thought than that.

JFC literally killing your own daughter to own the libs

She alleged that Brunton Davis took Carsyn to the event to “intentionally expose her immuno-compromised daughter to this virus.

At some point, Carsyn was also given a dose of hydroxychloroquine by her parents — an action that came less than a week after the FDA pulled its emergency use authorization

Carsyn’s parents declined to have her intubated, and she instead started receiving plasma therapy, the report said. But by June 22, her condition wasn’t improving and “intubation was required,” the medical examiner wrote.

Despite “aggressive therapy and maneuvers,” Carsyn still didn’t get better, leading Brunton Davis to request “heroic efforts” even knowing that her daughter “had low chance of meaningful survival,” according to the report.

But none of the procedures worked and Carsyn continued to deteriorate. She died shortly after 1 p.m. on June 23, two days after her 17th birthday.


“We are incredibly saddened by her passing at this young age, but are comforted that she is pain free,” Brunton Davis wrote in the GoFundMe statement.

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