COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Catching up with this thread. Just wanted to comment that the above is exactly what my ‘3rd world’/‘shithole’ country (Uruguay) has done.

Rural schools opened up first, a few weeks ago. All kids wear masks (free), hours were changed from 10am-3pm to 9am-noon to avoid the need for lunch. Years 1-3 go to classes Mon-Tues, Wednesday the school is disenfected, Thursday-Friday years 4, 5 and 6 have classes.

All state-educated children here recieve a free tablet at aged 6 and a free laptop at aged 8.

My boy brings home a bunch of homework Tuesday to be done t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶ sunday night and has a bunch of videos/web-based stuff to do on the states education website. Also 1-2 videoconferences with the english teacher Thus/Fri.

Current active cases in the country: less than 80 (recent spike!), total deaths: 28.


I really shouldn’t be surprised, but somehow I still am.

Lol at calling Uruguay a third world shit hole country.

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This doesn’t sound great. A later tweet clarified that 1 of these sites will remain open, but the other 5 will be out of service. First I’ve seen of impact in CA.

Thanks for all the hearts on my post on the last thread about taking my daughter back to daycare today.

Goebsdaughter thanked us by taking a dump in the bathtub during tonight’s bath.


Lol math guys.


lol at that scatterplot


Late Monday, the president’s office said Mr. Bolsonaro’s test results were expected on Tuesday. “The president, at this time, is in good health and remains at his residence,” the statement said.


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yeah that’s interesting but my question was: “when will ron desantis get his apology?”


This DeSantis K-12 thing has me hot. His ‘we are not New York’ thing has me hot, too.

I did some checking (all stats from covidtracking) and Florida hit the 100k milestone 104 days after 3/11/20, the official date of the pandemic. It took them 14 days to add another 100k. It took New York 24 days to hit 100k at the start of the pandemic. It took them 12 to add another 100k. Right there, Florida and New York are starting to get similar. The difference between Florida and New York’s version of the explosive growth is that New York was locked down when they hit their 200k mark. Florida is obviously open for business.

It took New York another 18 days to hit its 3rd 100k milestone. I doubt anyone here will fight me on the idea Florida will hit its 3rd 100k milestone in fewer days than that based on current case trends there. 84 days have passed since New York hit its 3rd 100k milestone, and it still hasn’t hit its 4th 100k milestone yet (they’re a little under 398k on covidtracking and I’m counting excess over the 100k milestone on the day the milestone passed with a new measurement period starting the following day).

Does anyone on this site honestly believe it will take 102 days from now for Florida to pass 400k cases (they’re at 206k right now) at the rate they’re going with the denial, incompetence, and criminal negligence from their a-hole governor? He only got away with his early incompetence due to people ignoring him. They’re not ignoring him anymore. He’s right, though, at the rate they’re going they won’t be New York. Florida will be worse.


I’m not too smart tonight. What’s does this mean for S.C. ? Sorry about the hand holding.

trump is very loudly and clearly instructing people to slow down testing, so the numbers should stabilize soon

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That’ll go well for him as hospitals pile up.

I recently was faced with a decision whether to use my passport which expires in 1 year for routine ID or save it for travel. I obviously chose the former, no one is letting Americans in for a while.

trump: don’t believe what you’re seeing and what you’re hearing

dumbest half of the country: ok


dumbest half of the country: why are there three bodies laying out by the trash cans?