COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Dude, in my neck of the woods, I can go to church, sing in a choir, get a haircut, go food shopping, eat inside at a restaurant, and go bar hopping until 2 AM on the same day. All without a mask.

Comparing what the US is doing to what other countries are doing is the dumbest fucking thing and you should be ashamed to be this ignorant.


Are you this bored, my dude? Why the sudden decision to be the forum’s village idiot?


Potentially–I’ve ranted before about the need to sample COVID+ people for antibodies to help understand the relationship. We’d hope that antibody tests only pick up a modest portion of the cases, indicating that whole-population seroprevalence surveys are dramatically undercounting total infections (and thus we are overestimating IFR, etc).

It’s definitely not good news for that theory that antibodies were detected in nearly all people who had a positive PCR test. It means our hope is that seroprevalence surveys are underestimating asymptomatic/mild cases, which means the magnitude of seroprevalence undercounting is going to be limited.

We can also infer some of the impact of this from children. If children have antibodies at 1/2 the rate of adults but were infected at the same rate and are 100% asymptomatic/mild (for simplicity), we can infer antibodies will develop in perhaps 50% of asymptomatic/mild cases.

So our hope is basically:

30% antibody presence (for instance in the Bronx) implies 40% of the population was actually infected, with (20% being symptomatic) and (20% being asymptomatic/mild, one half of which have detectable antibodies).

Non-presence of antibodies could be a positive factor helping us achieve herd immunity, but this study doesn’t provide evidence it’s going to be a decisive benefit.

Currently living under a currupt and lying government, no?

Like South Korea or New Zealand?

Err… When has testing numbers ever been released or even the amount of tests being sent out today or yesterday or last week for the UK, can you provide a source for these overall test numbers?


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Testing site near me has availability Wednesday. My cough seems to have gone away. Wife, who was exposed to someone who was exposed but tested negative, tested negative. Is there any reason at all for me to get tested?

Seems like a year ago that we were sweating BoJo’s covid hospitalization. Time is weird in 2020.


You mean other than the 18 hours a day of anxiety you’re going through over it?

Calmer than you, dude.


Bolsonaro gots the Rona. (Probably)

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It’s not a competition. :p

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To help you chill… :beers:


Pretty much everything I’ve seen you post about covid-19 is transparently alarmist, worthlessly contrarian, or just plain shit.

EDIT: I responded when I first saw the post and before I saw the warnings to not engage. My bad.


Czech Republic had similar results with a study a couple of months ago. They explicitly targeted people not diagnosed with covid19 and not experiencing any symptoms since the lockout and saw that very few had antibodies.

Also R0 in the CR now at 0.8. Looks like things are slowing up with the outbreak in the east. Then again, I said the same thing about Moravia at the end of May.

If there’s any positive news, it’s that the loss of taste and smell does come back eventually.

The South got something to say.

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Oh no.

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I mean overpopulation is a concern…