COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


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I mean, if I’m living in Philadelphia right now I don’t appreciate the fact that a plane of 30 people from Florida came in last week, half of them were/are infected, and now they’re staying for a few weeks.

If I’m someone who works at the hotel they’re staying at, I don’t appreciate it. Or if my family member does. Or if I work at the 711 that the hotel employee stops at when they leave work at the end of their shift.

The healthcare workers who end up having to treat some 70 year old bench coach won’t appreciate it.

And all of that ignores that there is a 0.000000% chance that these guys are actually staying confined to their hotels and ballparks.

The effects of this shit aren’t confined to these super healthy 20 somethings, in the same way that the effects of reopening schools aren’t confined to the kids who possibly have better health outcomes from it. The whole thing is just so incredibly fucking selfish and stupid.



Honestly it blew my mind that people in the dugouts weren’t wearing masks and were just chatting it up right next to each other the whole game.

I mean fuck, baseball is a sport where you can legit wear a mask the whole game. I played baseball for like 12 years as a youth/teen - outside of a few inside the park HR’s I don’t think I was ever out of breath. Why the fuck is the first baseman breathing on the 1b ump and base coach and runner the whole game without a mask?

I’m split. On one hand, it’s hard for me to be opposed to a bunch of well off people taking risks they know about and aren’t forced to take. On the other hand, sports are a major symbol of our society.

I mean those Marlins can’t play for at least 14 days.

There not being a plan for what to do when half a team gets covid so they have to hold an emergency meeting today is like there not being a plan for schools when half a classroom gets covid.

It’s insanity.


I hate to say that someone deserves it, but O’Brien deserves it.


Hey maybe the colossal failure of American sports leagues might wake some people the fuck up like Tom Brady ain’t coming back to throw touchdowns unless you put on a mask and stay home.

My fantasy baseball league already knows this season is over. Nobody is confused that this is all going to blow up in their faces.


Yeah I’m not trying to draw an equivalency between essential workers and sportsball guys. I mean, I guess I did, but that wasn’t really my intent. Just more saying we have to kick the tires on pretty much everything and gather data and refine our understanding of what we can and can’t do in shitty life v2.0.

It is absolutely amazing to me though that we’re seeing the same thing happen in the MLB as we’ll inevitably see when schools reopen over the next month or so. We have these plans with great precautions and protocols and all that, but NOBODY has a plan for what happens when a big chunk of folks contract the disease.

MLB in a scramble drill not knowing how to respond to this. Schools will do the exact same thing. That is the the part that is complete insanity to me.

Edit to add: I do think sports are pretty important. I know lots of people aren’t into them, and they are objectively unimportant compared to food, shelter, etc. But, life is pretty much completely pointless anyhow, so entertainment IS life to a large degree. Bread and circus important imo. Worth trying to figure out how to pursue, also important imo.


Also, you won’t test positive for a few days after being exposed.

Step 1: Phillies played an Infected Marlins team this weekend
Step 2: Phillies players will be tested Sunday or Monday, a day or two after exposure
Step 3: They will test negative due to that timeline
Step 4: They will get to play games this week now that they are “all clear”
Step 5: They’ll be contagious by mid-week and spread it amongst their team and to their opponents, hotel staff, locals, etc.
Step 6: They’ll test positive late in the week/next weekend and suspend their games.
Step 7: Yankees will go through steps 2-6 with their next opponent


ruh roh

Guess that’s a fine line if you totally give up on shutting down, paying the people, and restarting with contact tracing.

No, we don’t…not right now during the worst part of the outbreak so far.

What we can do is implement the “likely best guideline that may work” universally across the country, which is:

  1. Masks
  2. No indoor dining/drinking/etc.
  3. No sports, gatherings, etc
  4. No schools
  5. WFH for any job that doesn’t HAVE to be in-person
  6. UBI/UI to allow people to stay home

Then if that works then we have our new normal and the cases will drop down to a manageable number and then we can “kick the tires” on some things to get data on how they do, because at that point we will know we have a baseline of what works and the cases will be low enough that if those tire kickers are bad, it will be limited in impact, rather than doing them during a surge.

If those things aren’t enough, then we gotta figure out how to do even more.


Like the dude says in Fatboys emails, we’ve never ever been more than a month from resetting this shit to manageable levels, if the leadership was there


Official cases are leveling off across the southeast and parts of the west, but deaths are still rising almost everywhere. Darkness of shade is related to the peak outbreak per population per density. Most states are a lot darker than they were a few weeks ago on the cases chart, and I’m sure deaths will be following the same trend. I’d like to do a video of say a month’s worth of graphs – does anyone have a favorite tool to combine images into a video?

Case trend:

Death trend:

Agree 100%. Unfortunately, the die has been cast and there absolutely positively will be no further large scale lock-downs in the US. Debating fully shutting down all sports leagues, and all schools, and all indoor restaurants is merely academic. It’ll never happen, so the best we can do is refine the list of stuff in shitty life 2.0 that we can and can’t do. With US sports, so far it is looking like bubble sports may be doable, and non-bubble sports might not be doable. But, more testing will be needed (and will happen) to confirm or deny those hypotheses.

Baseball could very likely work if proper protocols were used.

  1. Everyone wears a mask. Players, coaches, umpires. Some players are wearing them the whole game so it’s certainly possible.
  2. Use the entirely empty 50,000 seat stadiums to your advantage. Make the “dugout” the entire 1st or 3rd base side of the stands. Every player gets a row to themselves.
  3. No locker rooms.

Obviously this will never happen because it’s too much of a divergence from the norm, and that’s just not acceptable.


Wearing a mask is really doing wonders for my allergies. Like I’m kicking myself that I never tried this before, I would have been a way better athlete in high school. I don’t know what I’ll do when this is all over, but I won’t have to figure that out for a long time.


I never thought I’d see the day when a Trumper tries to help a fellow citizen by reaching out and adjusting the citizen’s mask for maximum protection.