COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Looks like the Marlins have their entire clubhouse infected. That took less than a week for the idiotic non-bubble approach to fail. Nice work MLB!


So does the league just make them forfeit their upcoming games or something? Do they replace the whole MLB squad with minor leaguers and let them get slaughtered?

We’ll see, hard to predict what stupidity is next.

CFB needs to just cancel itself already. It’s not going to happen.



The season is going to be cancelled soon.

The Marlins do this every off season anyways.


The original plan was to replace them with minor leaguers. Teams were required to have a dozen or so players practicing at an alternate site ready to go.

At least 14 players/coaches tested positive in the last couple days. Hopefully they didn’t pass it to the Phillies, particularly DiDi Gregarious who has been playing in a mask because he has a liver condition.

The whole traveling around the country to play and spending lots of time in the clubhouse is an absolute recipe for disaster. No way this doesn’t take out large numbers from several other teams too.

Things have definitely picked up at my hospital.

Each of the last few nights I’ve worked, my floor has been completely full by 2 a.m. That’s not terribly unusual, (during winter anyway), as we stay pretty busy and are probably 80-95%+ full at any given time anyway.

What was scary was that we had two patients on my floor last night who needed to be transferred to the ICU, but there weren’t any ICU beds available. One patient’s oxygen saturation was in the high 70’s/low 80’s on 15 liters of oxygen… our solution was to put him on 40 liters of heated high flow, and wait for a bed to open up. That got him back up over 90%, but we really shouldn’t be doing that in an acute care setting (instead of a critical care setting, which is where he belonged).


Death panel.

Now imagine if God didn’t exist


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Seeing reports NYY/PHI will be postponed too now.

What a clusterfuck.

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I mean honestly though who could have seen it coming? Flying 30 teams around the country to play baseball seemed like a pretty fool proof plan.


Two days ago:

My buddy: This might be a stupid question, but if I owned an nfl team, why can’t I at least try to play with constant testing and protocols? Can I at least give it a shot and see what happens?

Me: The leagues aren’t using good protocols. Total bubble, go for it, otherwise this whole “give it a shot and see” thing means just sticking your head in the sand as to the current situation, then pretending it was a surprise when it didn’t work out.

Him: I don’t agree


Me: Still think NFL owners deserve a shot to give it a try?

Him: Maybe

He’s a college educated liberal, so until he’s on board it’s pretty hopeless. He’s probably left of like 75% of Americans, but he’s for the establishment of course.


College Educated Establishment Liberal Friend (CEELF from here on out) says that the key is that the owners of the teams consult the experts, and listen. Then they can make the best decision and move forward, but they deserve to give it a shot because the players deserve the chance to play and the owners deserve to make money.

I’m like, “Listening is useless if they don’t do the stuff they are told they have to do.” CEELF then sends me a video of the Minnesota Vikings precautions and says, “Who put these in place, Zygi Wilf?”

I’m like dude, they’re having the experts in, then doing the least possible that they think they can get away with from a legal liability and PR perspective. Then when it doesn’t work they’ll throw their hands up and be like, “Who could have seen that coming???”

This is setting up for CEELF to blame the “experts” when it all backfires, and ignore that there were plenty of us screaming from the rooftops that this was a stupid idea.


It’s amazing they need to have a “what do we do now?” meeting given how entirely predictable this is. The fact that there isn’t a protocol for what happens when half a team gets infected just goes to show how much they were winging this.


I think it’s fine to try sports - we make people work in grocery stores and drive public transit and stuff to just sort of see how it goes, at least these guys are low risk highly compensated folks. If it works, great, if it doesn’t, we learn a bunch too. Everyone here agrees that this isn’t going to magically go away, so we’re going to need to push the envelope a bunch in pretty much every facet of life to gather the information needed to level set our new shittier lives.

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yeahhh if baseball, which is about the most distance separated sport we have, can’t avoid an entire team getting sick there’s no way other sports will work, at all. No way the NFL season goes off this year IMO.

Fucking locker rooms man. I’ve been saying that from the beginning. It can’t just be business as usual. Baseball has the extra problem of a dugout where most of the team sits around half the game.

But somehow little leaguers still manage to play baseball without a locker room or a dugout. A lot of things are possible if they’re willing to really think outside the box.