COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


Apple iMovie is very straightforward. You really just drag and drop the images into place, adjust the timings, add the Benny Hill theme music for the soundtrack, and you’re good to go.


Antibody test?

Not if you test negative. And assuming low prevalence.


Prediction, excess deaths are going to be flat in the fall/winter because flu deaths will be down due to masks/social distancing. This of course will be fodder for conspiracies out the wazoo from the ethical skeptic data obfuscation wing of the internet.

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Horrible prediction

Covid is more deadly than flu so even if flu goes flat covid would still mean higher excess deaths

You just literally equated covid to the flu

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Very unlikely with COVID patients taking up all the ICU space. People who had medically preventable deaths are going to die. I think the question is how much excess mortality for 2020 is up not whether there is excess mortality.

How are u certain Philly players caught it from Marlin players in the outdoors ?

Baseball had 30 teams play. One team fukked it up real bad. 29 teams had minimal covid complications. The season will go on. They are not trotting through gas and flying coach like joe the plumber. They are not super spreading. In light of no other teams having major complications, I’d say it’s something the Marlins did.


I would LOL in a rational country. But Disneyland is open. Anything is possible.

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Would u like to escrow a wager?

I’ll wager at least five teams play 55 games.

Tell me about it. Now they’re going to be in a hotel, presumably half-assing a quarantine?

Right, I’d like to know what those guys did the night before the game. I mean they were in town for three games. I’m to think they just went home after the game, stayed in the hotel all night and ordered room service? I doubt it.

Right, like these 10-15 cases have almost certainly already lead to 30-40 other locally transmitted cases - which we will almost certainly never trace back.

And that’s where the federal malfeasance starts to work its way in. There’s way less PR downside for these billionaire owners, for Disney, etc to reopen and push the limits if we can’t contact trace cases back to them… So whaddayaknow, we have shitty contact tracing, bullshit CDC guidances being updated to help businesses, and slow as fuck testing.

This is the free market of late stage capitalism at work… The free market works to solve one problem and one problem only: maximizing profits for the people with all the power.

My buddy reminded me that a lot of NFL salary vests fully once one game has been played, and as a result the players have tremendous incentive to play at least one game and then hope things get shut down quickly. The owners are trying to change contracts in this regard and the NFLPA is like “LOL gtfo.”

There are so many frustrating things about this, and this one is up there for me. I actually think you can make a strong case that sports are essential-adjacent, in that if you want people to lockdown hard it helps if there is entertainment on TV. If I were POTUS I would have been encouraging the leagues to bubble up in the spring and get going as soon as safely possible in VERY well executed bubbles, hoping to provide entertainment in the lockdown.

Ehh, if flu deaths are down it will make it harder to calculate excess deaths.

I’m not.

But we won’t know for at least 4-5 days because they won’t show up positive in the first few days.

By that point they will have played more games and interacted with more locals

Pretty much every other country has brought back sports by now without any major complications. NZ has 30,000 in the stands. Italy, Spain, England, Germany all finished their soccer seasons without issue.

Sports aren’t the issue, the problem is the prevalence of the disease in the USA and the ignorance of anyone with any power towards it.


Can u share your inside info regarding the procedures for quarantining mlbers, or are u just leaning towards the negative and speculating?

Reds have had multiple players also.

It’ll come out in a few days that they have 10+ also as it spreads around.

Belgium expected to tighten restrictions after a sharp increase of cases

Belgium’s government is expected to tighten restrictions designed to reduce the spread of Covid-19 after a sharp increase in the national number of infections and a 500% week-on-week spike in the city of Antwerp.

The country’s national security council (NSC), led by the prime minister, Sophie Wilmès, will meet on Monday to decide whether to to enact local lockdowns and reduce the permitted size of social bubbles in the face of a second wave of the disease.

Marc Van Ranst, a member of Belgium’s coronavirus advisory committee, said the meeting was “the most important … to be held since March”, when the national lockdown was imposed.

He added:

“We are acting earlier than during the first wave, we also want to stop [a new wave] earlier.