COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Just want to say that every time I see/open this thread, I literally chuckle because “look, fat” is amazing.


We aren’t to the point we know how bad states like Florida will be. Deaths lag cases by 3-4 weeks and Florida is still setting record number of new cases.

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That huge spike is very misleading. It was 671 deaths on 4/13. Then on 4/14, they added 4556 deaths and 4/15 they added 1036. on 4/16 it was back to 482 and fluctuating a lot usually in the 500-600 range in the week after with a few high reporting days. I’d like to see the same graph with that major aberration removed to see how similar they look.


Ohio testing anecdote. At the local hospital 3-4 weeks ago, someone I know got their results in 12 hours. My dad is currently at 3.5 days with no results at the same hospital.

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I’m not so sure that makes the spike smaller. Wouldn’t that mean in reality it’s a bit earlier?

Hope he’s feeling better.

We’ve made advances in treating COVID since it went through NY; it wouldn’t be surprising if NY/NJ wind up with the highest per capita death rates.

He says he feels fine now.


That plays a role, but the number of people straight up dying, even at home, was insane in NY.

It’s racism. Everything else is secondary to racism.


No, those numbers are from weeks of data so it would be spread out over those.

There wasn’t one day with 4,000 deaths in NYC

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Second straight record day for my state in Australia two weeks after going on severe lockdown (only allowed out for food, medicine, exercise). Fairly concerning.

That’s the lag.

If y’all locked down well 2 weeks ago then you’ll go down pretty soon in cases. Deaths will go up then start going down in 4-6 weeks.

CDC changed to only 10 day quarantine and no negative test needed.

What could go wrong?

Yeah record deaths over last three days consecutively I believe. Still most is 10 but I expect it to get worse we got over 50 people in ICU atm and its ripping through nursing homes.

That Marlins thing. Yeesh. We will see if the bubble sports can make it but baseball has a big challenge and I don’t think the NFL or CFB will even get started if baseball fails.

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Yeah, baseball isn’t doing a bubble, while NBA and NHL are. MLS had 2 teams drop out before hand, but no one inside the bubble was pozzed.

In other news, an NBA player was granted leave from the bubble for personal reasons and took the opportunity to visit a strip club. He is not welcome inside the bubble.

My buddy from college who was also in sports broadcasting for a while is unfazed by the Marlins thing. He and I have been going back and forth on sports. I keep saying none of the precautions are enough and it’s inevitable, he says the owners have the right to give it a shot with whatever precautions they feel are suitable.

He also says the pitcher who can only throw 20 pitches due to heart issues is just one example and it’s way too soon to draw conclusions. I’ve been predicting permanent damage to lungs/hearts/etc in numerous athletes for a while with him.

So frustrating that he’s still not on board for shutting them down. My guess at this point is that they’re just going to let it rip and most Americans will be fine with the outcome. Nothing is stopping until the players unions step in, if he’s any indication. He’s a college educated liberal, so if we don’t have him onboard we have ~nobody.

In keeping with the “Look, fat” theme, this same thing happened in the world of sumo.


Ahh I see duh. Just felt that way to me