COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

The only difference is where the DeSantis box is? I think it’s better in the middle. But I think the graph lines should keep moving while he’s talking, rather than freeze. That keeps the visual interest, cuts down on some of the yodeling, which takes too long, and allows the clip to come in at 30 seconds, rather than 37.


There is a definite dip in quality during the pandemic.

I’ve worked on things that are only being done the way they are because of the pandemic and have also worked on things that were done during the pandemic that almost no one would know happened during it that used very creative methods for safety.

Hollywood has very little interest in creating a year’s worth of work that was clearly done during the pandemic and I highly doubt there will be a ton of programming and movies that embrace the pandemic for storytelling. Demands for no quality loss have been getting much higher over the last couple of months.

Yeah, that’s the only difference.

The reason it’s frozen is because DeSantis said this on May 20. His arrogance was through the roof that day and I wanted it to be really clear exactly how many cases each place had on that particular day. I’m taking your comments under advisement at this point.

The biggest issue to me is that I think the viewer will tend to focus on the box instead of the graph, which is the point. I may also make a version where the box goes away (and comes back at the end) when the graph movement starts so the focus can’t be taken away from the graph. Stylistically, for those familiar with the inspiration, version 1 is the proper placement for the box.

Also, the video is 34 seconds (3 seconds of black in it).

In that case, I’d make the numbers much larger. Personally, I don’t think the exact numbers are all that important–it just makes me start doing mental math. The date pop-up lets us know when he said it, and the hockey stick graph tells the story.

I thought it was fine but I’m indifferent as to which is better.

I’ve done two more versions, and here they are in the spoiler (not sure why they’re links only):

2 More Versions

Video 3:

Video 4:

When you freeze the video, can you draw a circle around the May 20th underneath DeSantis to really highlight what you’re trying to get across?

lol, I hope that’s a joke.

It’s not. It’s not obvious why the movement stops. If your goal is to really make clear that this dope was speaking on May 20th right before it went up, I don’t get that. Shrug.

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I’d consider putting it on the video itself, but the circle is too much for me.



How about a brief pause of the video and simultaneous highlighting of the date?

Still too on the nose for me.

How things are going in the Czech Republic

On July 22nd:

(Gist: We must do everything we can to keep active cases under five thousand as that will symbolize the second save.)

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Toronto’s ceiling is just as high and it is more diverse.

I like what Vancouver has to bring but IMO it’s a little boring.

The things I want in a city are:

Walkable and distinct neighborhoods with things to see and do
Cultural institutions (museums, concerts, etc.)
Diverse food culture
Night life options that include good small venues
Access to high quality services and shopping

Along those metrics Toronto smokes other Canadian cities. Like its not even close. The things that suck about Toronto lifestyle (housing affordability, commuting) dont really bother me because we are privileged from a socioeconomic perspective. Good life in Toronto costs money, but I have money. If we relocated to a smaller city i would have more money in my pocket and nothing to spend it on.

Canada is too damn cold. This conversation is like arguing over crappy flavors of ice cream.

Well to do Canadians solved for this by going to Arizona or Florida from December to March. Before American became a fascist police state that was a good arrangement.


Only 3 seasons up north. July, August and Winter. lul at waiting until December to migrate

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