COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Yeah I’m just saying if Trump wins, it’s a wrap. We’re already pretty far down that path.

If Trump wins, it’s going to be much more dangerous and heading down that road I agree. I don’t know if it’s a wrap. But it’s going to be horrible.

At 51 with no kids I’m not exactly kicking ass in life. But the fact that I can just pick up and leave, and might be dead before the shit hits the fan, is a nice consolation prize.

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How far off are we from Trump promoting Plandemic and accusing Fauci of inventing COVID himself? If Sinclair is airing that, we’re drawing very live.

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You’re kicking ass in other ways, at least. You’ve had some great experiences.

The big difference is that back in the 50’s nothing was shut down; everyone was open for business during the polio outbreak. People were still making music, TV, movies, none of it references polio even once as far as I’ve ever seen. It’s like during the 50’s the whole subject was taboo and, as you say, after the erradication people just wanted to move on and not look back. I think 2020 is going to be like that. No one is going to want to revisit this shit anytime soon in pop culture.

Anyway, mad respect to Rod Serling for at least indirectly mentioning the polio outbreak. That was probably some extremely provocative SJW shit at the time.

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Knowing that Trump was super likely to get re-elected if not for Corona… I’ll never look at the country the same again even if Biden does win.

Guess it’s a good thing the deep state dusted off the ole plandemic playbook.

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I don’t think 40% of the country is ever going to buy that. But will the moderate Republican normies still go along and vote R until it’s too late? Maybe. I actually see them as our biggest line of defense.

If we don’t get a party re-alignment which do happen (Southern strategy) we might be fucked. We need moderate Republicans, who have nothing to gain by shaking up the status quo, to wake up and realize Biden is basically Reagan and they should just accept it.

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Yeah Trump elected and the first year was the big eye opener that 30% of the country or so would look the other way, convince themselves it wasn’t real, or actively root on another Holocaust. Terrifying.

I think this is what you meant, but I just want to emphasize: Sinclair IS airing that, which means that it’s not particularly relevant if Trump promotes it - it’s already getting injected into the veins of anyone who would pay attention.

My mom clearly remembers having a childhood friend who caught polio. I think the Midwest was particularly hard hit because kids would go playing in ponds together. All of that has gone down the memory hole. How many Americans today even know that FDR had polio? It’s like it was a national traumatic event that we didn’t want to talk about. I think COVID-19 will be a bit like that.

As usual - there’s a great American Experience episode on the development of the polio vaccine. I highly encourage everyone to watch it.

Reminder that Moscow Bitch had polio.

Rod Serling’s Wikipedia page is an outstanding read. Pouring out some liquor to one of the bedrock legends of sci-fi. It’s easy to lose sight of how progressive The Twilight Zone was at times.

According to his wife, Carol, Serling often said that “the ultimate obscenity is not caring, not doing something about what you feel, not feeling! Just drawing back and drawing in, becoming narcissistic.”


We were all hanging out one New Year’s Day - all cracked out from doing a bunch of E and other stuff the night before - flipping channels trying to find something everyone could agree on. Somehow we landed on a Twilight Zone marathon, then proceeded to watch for like 8 hours.

Every episode was freaking awesome. Even the girls who wanted to watch some Real Housewives shit (which a few of us vetoed) totally got into the Twilight Zone. I thought I’d seen most of them but a bunch I hadn’t seen before, or didn’t remember.


I used to watch TZ marathons all the time ever since I was a young child. I thought I had seen them all. Recently, I have embarked on a quest to watch every single TZ episode ever made. I plan on making a trip report when I’m done.

It’s crazy. There are SO many TZ episodes you’ve never seen, and they’re mostly pretty great. Some of them suck, but by and large the show is consistently excellent. I just watched the one where there’s a girl with polio and then a fugitive martian cures her of her polio but then the martian cops close in on his position. Oh shit!

Next episode is like there’s this family but their young daughter falls into an interdimensional portal that appears in her bedroom. And then their dog jumps though the interdimensional portal to rescue the girl. So the dad calls the physicist who lives next door. Then the dad jumps into the interdimensional portal. It’s all very psychedelic. Does the dog rescue the girl?! I fucking love this show.



eta: ponied, wtf


eta: pretty sure I’ve seen them all

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I put a little 33 second video together that I’ve been knocking around ideas for ever since Ron DeSantis started making the rounds again for his murder and the dumb Florida/New York comparison he made. I don’t want to give any spoilers away but I hope you’ll like it.

These are currently not public and this is kind of a focus group thing where I’m trying to figure out which version I should use if and when I realize the final idea. Video 1 is more ‘correct’ stylistically. Video 2 is an alternate. Video 3 is another alternate idea. Video 4 is incorporating some ideas from deuce. If you have a clear preference, please tell me why.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

  • I Prefer Video 1
  • I Prefer Video 2
  • I Prefer Video 3
  • I Prefer Video 4
  • I Prefer None Cuz I’m a H8r
  • No Sir, I Didn’t Like It
0 voters
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Looks like there’s 156 Twilight Zone episodes. That’s a fuck of a lot.

I remember when I finally hit the point where I had seen every Gilligan’s Island episode and a random new one never popped out again. That took many years of watching after school. It had 98 episodes.

I’d prefer a video that has more than just one DeSantis quote